Browse books by BIC subject categories

BIC subject categories are the standard classification scheme for the UK book trade.
BIC is an independent organisation set up and sponsored by the Publishers Association, Booksellers Association, the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals and the British Library to promote standardisation.
For more information visit BIC.
YChildren's, Teenage & educational
- YBPicture Books, Activity Books & Early Learning Material
- YBCPicture books
- YBGInteractive & activity books & packs
- YBGCColouring & painting activity books
- YBGKPress out & kit books
- YBGPPop-up & lift-the-flap books
- YBGSSticker & stamp books
- YBGTNovelty, toy & die-cut books
- YBLEarly learning / early learning concepts
- YBLAEarly learning: ABC books / alphabet books
- YBLBEarly learning: rhyming & wordplay books
- YBLCEarly learning: numbers & counting
- YBLDEarly learning: colours
- YBLFEarly learning: opposites
- YBLHEarly learning: size, shapes & patterns
- YBLJEarly learning: time & seasons
- YBLNEarly learning: first experiences
- YBLPEarly learning: people who help us
- YBLTEarly learning: things that go
- YDChildren's / Teenage poetry, anthologies, annuals
- YDAAnnuals (Children's / Teenage)
- YDCAnthologies (Children's / Teenage)
- YDPPoetry (Children's / Teenage)
- YFChildren's / Teenage fiction & true stories
- YFAClassic fiction (Children's / Teenage)
- YFBGeneral fiction (Children's / Teenage)
- YFCAdventure stories (Children's / Teenage)
- YFDHorror & ghost stories, chillers (Children's / Teenage)
- YFGScience fiction (Children's / Teenage)
- YFHFantasy & magical realism (Children's / Teenage)
- YFJTraditional stories (Children's / Teenage)
- YFMRomance & relationships stories (Children's / Teenage)
- YFNFamily & home stories (Children's / Teenage)
- YFPAnimal stories (Children's / Teenage)
- YFQHumorous stories (Children's / Teenage)
- YFRSporting stories (Children's / Teenage)
- YFSSchool stories (Children's / Teenage)
- YFTHistorical fiction (Children's / Teenage)
- YFUShort stories (Children's / Teenage)
- YFWComic strip fiction / graphic novels (Children's / Teenage)
- YFYTrue stories (Children's / Teenage)
- YNChildren's / Teenage: general non-fiction
- YNAArt: general interest (Children's / Teenage)
- YNCMusic: general interest (Children's / Teenage)
- YNDDrama & performing (Children's / Teenage)
- YNFTelevision & film (Children's / Teenage)
- YNGGeneral knowledge & trivia (Children's / Teenage)
- YNHHistory & the past: general interest (Children's / Teenage)
- YNJWarfare, battles, armed forces (Children's / Teenage)
- YNKWork & industry / world of work (Children's / Teenage)
- YNLLiterature, books & writers (Children's/Teenage)
- YNMPeople & places (Children's / Teenage)
- YNNNatural history (Children's/Teenage)
- YNNADinosaurs & prehistoric world (Children's / Teenage)
- YNNDPets (Children's / Teenage)
- YNNFFarm animals (Children's / Teenage)
- YNNRWildlife (Children's / Teenage)
- YNPPractical interests (Children's / Teenage)
- YNPCCooking & food (Children's / Teenage)
- YNPGGardening (Children's / Teenage)
- YNPHHandicrafts (Children's / Teenage)
- YNPKMoney (Children's / Teenage)
- YNRReligion & beliefs: general interest (Children's / Teenage)
- YNTScience & technology: general interest (Children's / Teenage)
- YNTBBuildings & construction (Children's / Teenage)
- YNTRTransport (Children's / Teenage)
- YNTSSpace (Children's / Teenage)
- YNUHumour & jokes (Children's / Teenage)
- YNVHobbies, quizzes & games (Children's / Teenage)
- YNWSports & outdoor recreation (Children's / Teenage)
- YNWAFootball / soccer (Children's / Teenage)
- YNWBRugby (Children's / Teenage)
- YNWCCricket (Children's / Teenage)
- YNWGAthletics & gymnastics (Children's / Teenage)
- YNWWSwimming & water sports (Children's / Teenage)
- YNWYCycling, boarding & skating (Children's / Teenage)
- YNXMysteries, the supernatural, monsters & mythological beings (Children's/Teenage)
- YQEducational Material
- YQAEducational: Art & design
- YQBEducational: Music
- YQCEducational: English language & literacy
- YQCREducational: English language: readers & reading schemes
- YQCSEducational: English language: reading & writing skills
- YQDEducational: drama studies
- YQEEducational: English literature
- YQFEducational: Languages other than English
- YQGEducational: Geography
- YQHEducational: History
- YQJEducational: Social sciences
- YQMEducational: Mathematics & numeracy
- YQNEducational: Citizenship & social education
- YQREducational: Religious studies
- YQRAEducational: school assembly resource material
- YQRCEducational: Religious studies: Christianity
- YQRNEducational: Religious studies: Non-Christian religions
- YQSEducational: Sciences, general science
- YQTEducational: Technology
- YQTDEducational: Design & technology
- YQTFEducational: Food technology
- YQTUEducational: IT & computing, ICT
- YQVEducational: Business studies & economics
- YQWEducational: Physical education (including dance)
- YQXEducational: General studies / study skills general
- YQYEducational: Vocational subjects
- YQZEducational: study & revision guides
- YRReference material (Children's / Teenage)
- YRDDictionaries, school dictionaries (Children's / Teenage)
- YRDCPicture dictionaries (Children's / Teenage)
- YRDLBilingual/multilingual dictionaries (Children's / Teenage)
- YREEncyclopaedias (Children's / Teenage)
- YRGReference works (Children's / Teenage)
- YRWAtlases & maps (Children's/Teenage)
- YXPersonal & social issues (Children's / Teenage)
- YXAPersonal & social issues: body & health (Children's / Teenage)
- YXCPersonal & social issues: bullying, violence & abuse (Children's / Teenage)
- YXFPersonal & social issues: family issues (Children's / Teenage)
- YXFDPersonal & social issues: divorce, separation, family break-up (Children's / Teenage)
- YXFMPersonal & social issues: siblings (Children's / Teenage)
- YXFTPersonal & social issues: teenage pregnancy (Children's / Teenage)
- YXGPersonal & social issues: death & bereavement (Children's / Teenage)
- YXJPersonal & social issues: drugs & addiction (Children's / Teenage)
- YXKPersonal & social issues: disability & special needs (Children's / Teenage)
- YXLPersonal & social issues: self-awareness & self-esteem (Children's / Teenage)
- YXNPersonal & social issues: racism & multiculturalism (Children's / Teenage)
- YXSPersonal & social issues: sexuality & relationships (Children's / Teenage)
- YXTPersonal & social issues: truancy & school problems (Children's / Teenage)
- YXVPersonal & social issues: careers guidance (Teenage)
- YXZSocial issues (Children's / Teenage)
- YZStationery & miscellaneous items (Children's / Teenage)
AThe arts
- ABThe arts: general issues
- ABATheory of art
- ABCConservation, restoration & care of artworks
- ABKForgery, falsification & theft of artworks
- ABQArt: financial aspects
- ACHistory of art / art & design styles
- ACBArt styles not defined by date
- ACCHistory of art: pre-history
- ACGHistory of art: ancient & classical art,BCE to c 500 CE
- ACKHistory of art: Byzantine & Medieval art c 500 CE to c 1400
- ACNHistory of art & design styles: c 1400 to c 1600
- ACQHistory of art & design styles: c 1600 to c 1800
- ACVHistory of art & design styles: c 1800 to c 1900
- ACVCArt & design styles: Romanticism
- ACVMArt & design styles: Pre-Raphaelite art
- ACVNArt & design styles: Arts & Crafts style
- ACVTArt & design styles: Impressionism & Post-Impressionism
- ACVYArt & design styles: Art Nouveau
- ACXHistory of art & design styles: from c 1900
- ACXDArt & design styles: c 1900 to c 1960
- ACXD1Art & design styles: Expressionism
- ACXD2Art & design styles: Modernist design & Bauhaus
- ACXD3Art & design styles: Art Deco
- ACXD5Art & design styles: Cubism
- ACXD7Art & design styles: Surrealism & Dada
- ACXD9Art & design styles: Abstract Expressionism
- ACXJArt & design styles: from c 1960
- AFArt forms
- AFCPainting & paintings
- AFFDrawing & drawings
- AFHPrints & printmaking
- AFJOther graphic art forms
- AFKNon-graphic art forms
- AFKBSculpture
- AFKCCarvings: artworks
- AFKGPrecious metal, precious stones & jewellery: artworks & design
- AFKNInstallation art
- AFKPPerformance art
- AFKVElectronic, holographic & video art
- AFPCeramic arts, pottery, glass
- AFTDecorative arts
- AFWTextile artworks
- AFYBody art & tattooing
- AGArt treatments & subjects
- AGBIndividual artists, art monographs
- AGCExhibition catalogues & specific collections
- AGHHuman figures depicted in art
- AGKSmall-scale, secular & domestic scenes in art
- AGNAnimals & nature in art (still life, landscapes & seascapes, etc)
- AGPMan-made objects depicted in art (cityscapes, machines, etc)
- AGRReligious subjects depicted in art
- AGZArt techniques & principles
- AJPhotography & photographs
- AJBIndividual photographers
- AJCPhotographs: collections
- AJGPhotographic equipment & techniques
- AJRSpecial kinds of photography
- AKIndustrial / commercial art & design
- AKBIndividual designers
- AKCGraphic design
- AKDTypography & lettering
- AKHBook design
- AKLIllustration & commercial art
- AKPProduct design
- AKRFurniture design
- AKTFashion & textiles: design
- AMArchitecture
- AMATheory of architecture
- AMBIndividual architects & architectural firms
- AMCArchitectural structure & design
- AMDArchitecture: professional practice
- AMGPublic buildings: civic, commercial, industrial, etc
- AMKResidential buildings, domestic buildings
- AMKDHouses, apartments, flats, etc
- AMKHPalaces, chateaux, country houses
- AMKLCastles & fortifications
- AMNReligious buildings
- AMRProfessional interior design
- AMVLandscape art & architecture
- AMXHistory of architecture
- ANTheatre studies
- ANBTheatre: individual actors & directors
- ANCActing techniques
- ANFTheatre direction & production
- ANHTheatre: technical & background skills
- ANSTheatre management
- APFilm, TV & Radio
- APBIndividual actors & performers
- APFFilms, cinema
- APFAFilm theory & criticism
- APFBIndividual film directors, film-makers
- APFDFilm scripts & screenplays
- APFGFilm guides & reviews
- APFNFilm: styles & genres
- APFRDocumentary films
- APFVAnimated films
- APFXFilm production: technical & background skills
- APTTelevision
- APTDTelevision scripts & screenplays
- APTSTelevision soap operas
- APTXTelevision production: technical & background skills
- APWRadio
- ASDance & Other Performing Arts
- AVMusic
- AVATheory of music & musicology
- AVCMusic reviews & criticism
- AVDDiscographies & buyer's guides
- AVGMusic: styles & genres
- AVGCWestern "classic" music
- AVGC1Early music (up to c 1000 CE)
- AVGC2Medieval & Renaissance music (c 1000 to c 1600)
- AVGC3Baroque music (c 1600 to c 1750)
- AVGC4Classical music (c 1750 to c 1830)
- AVGC5Romantic music (c 1830 to c 1900)
- AVGC620th century & contemporary classical music
- AVGC8Choral music
- AVGC9Opera
- AVGDSacred & religious music
- AVGENon-Western music: traditional & "classic"
- AVGFLight orchestral & big band music
- AVGGBrass band, military music & marches
- AVGHFolk & traditional music
- AVGJJazz
- AVGKBlues
- AVGLCountry & Western music
- AVGMMusicals
- AVGNPopular music, easy listening
- AVGPRock & Pop music
- AVGQSoul & R 'n' B
- AVGRRap & Hip-Hop
- AVGSReggae
- AVGTHeavy Metal music
- AVGUPunk, New Wave & Indie
- AVGVElectronic music
- AVGWWorld music
- AVGZAmbient & New Age music
- AVHIndividual composers & musicians, specific bands & groups
- AVQMusical scores, lyrics & libretti
- AVRMusical instruments & instrumental ensembles
- AVRBOrchestras
- AVRDChamber ensembles
- AVRGKeyboard instruments
- AVRJPercussion instruments
- AVRLString instruments
- AVRNWind instruments
- AVRQMechanical musical instruments
- AVRSElectronic musical instruments
- AVSTechniques of music / music tutorials
- AVXMusic recording & reproduction
BBiography & True Stories
- BGBiography: General
- BGAAutobiography: general
- BGBBiography: business & industry
- BGFBiography: arts & entertainment
- BGHBiography: historical, political & military
- BGLBiography: literary
- BGRBiography: royalty
- BGSBiography: sport
- BGTBiography: science, technology & medicine
- BGXBiography: religious & spiritual
- BJDiaries, letters & journals
- BKCollected biographies
- BMMemoirs
- BTTrue Stories
- CBLanguage: Reference & GeneraL
- CBDDictionaries
- CBFThesauri
- CBGUsage & grammar guides
- CBPPublic speaking guides
- CBVCreative writing & creative writing guides
- CBWWriting & editing guides
- CBXLanguage: history & general works
- CFlinguistics
- CFAPhilosophy of language
- CFBSociolinguistics
- CFCLiteracy
- CFDPsycholinguistics
- CFFHistorical & comparative linguistics
- CFGSemantics, discourse analysis, etc
- CFHPhonetics, phonology
- CFKGrammar, syntax & morphology
- CFLPalaeography (history of writing)
- CFMLexicography
- CFPTranslation & interpretation
- CFXComputational linguistics
- CFZSign languages, Braille & other linguistic communication
- CJLanguage teaching & learning (other than ELT)
Dliterature & literary studies
- DBClassical texts
- DCPoetry
- DDPlays, Playscripts
- DNProse: Non-fiction
- DQAnthologies (non-poetry)
- DSLiterature: history & criticism
- DSALiterary theory
- DSBLiterary studies: general
- DSBBLiterary studies: classical, early & medieval
- DSBDLiterary studies: c 1500 to c 1800
- DSBFLiterary studies: c 1800 to c 1900
- DSBHLiterary studies: from c 1900
- DSCLiterary studies: poetry & poets
- DSGLiterary studies: plays & playwrights
- DSKLiterary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers
- DSRLiterary reference works
- DSYChildren's & teenage literature studies
EEnglish language teaching (ELT)
- EBELT background & reference material
- ELELT: learning material & coursework
- ELGELT grammar, vocabulary & pronunciation
- ELHELT graded readers
- ELMELT non-book material & resources
- ELPELT workbooks, practice books & exercises
- ELSELT self-study texts
- ELVELT examination practice tests
- ELXELT: specific skills
- ESELT: English for specific purposes
FFiction & Related Items
- FAModern & Contemporary Fiction
- FCClassic Fiction
- FFCrime & mystery
- FHThriller / suspense
- FJAdventure
- FJHHistorical adventure
- FJMWar & combat fiction
- FJMCNapoleonic War fiction
- FJMFFirst World War fiction
- FJMSSecond World War fiction
- FJMVVietnam War fiction
- FJWWesterns
- FKHorror & ghost stories
- FLScience fiction
- FMFantasy
- FPErotic fiction
- FQMyth & legend told as fiction
- FRRomance
- FTSagas
- FVHistorical fiction
- FWReligious & Spiritual Fiction
- FXGraphic novels
- FXAGraphic novels: Manga
- FXLGraphic novels: literary & memoirs
- FXSGraphic novels: superheroes & super-villains
- FXZGraphic novels: true stories & non-fiction
- FYFiction: Special Features
- FZFiction-related Items
GReference, information & interdisciplinary subjects
- GBEncyclopaedias & reference works
- GBAGeneral encyclopaedias
- GBCReference works
- GBCBDictionaries of biography (Who's Who)
- GBCQDictionaries of quotations
- GBCRBibliographies, catalogues
- GBCSSerials, periodicals, abstracts, indexes
- GBCTDirectories
- GBCYYearbooks, annuals, almanacs
- GBGGeographical reference
- GLLibrary & information sciences
- GLCLibrary, archive & information management
- GLFIT, Internet & electronic resources in libraries
- GLHAcquisitions & collection development
- GLKBibliographic & subject control
- GLMLibrary & information services
- GLMAAcademic & specialist libraries
- GLMBPublic libraries
- GLMCSchool libraries & young reader services
- GLMGReference services
- GLMLCirculation services (eg interlibrary loans)
- GLMXCommunity & outreach services
- GLPArchiving, preservation & digitisationÂ
- GMMuseology & heritage studies
- GPResearch & Information: General
- GPFInformation theory
- GPHData analysis: general
- GPJCoding theory & cryptology
- GPQDecision theory: general
- GPSResearch methods: general
- GTInterdisciplinary studies
- HBHistory
- HBAHistory: theory & methods
- HBGGeneral & world history
- HBJRegional & national history
- HBJDEuropean history
- HBJFAsian history
- HBJHAfrican history
- HBJKHistory of the Americas
- HBJMAustralasian & Pacific history
- HBJQHistory of other lands
- HBLHistory: earliest times to present day
- HBLAAncient history: to c 500 CE
- HBLCEarly history: c 500 to c 1450/1500
- HBLHEarly modern history: c 1450/1500 to c 1700
- HBLLModern history to 20th century: c 1700 to c 1900
- HBLW20th century history: c 1900 to c 2000
- HBLX21st century history: from c 2000
- HBTHistory: specific events & topics
- HBTBSocial & cultural history
- HBTDOral history
- HBTGGenealogy, heraldry, names & honours
- HBTKIndustrialisation & industrial history
- HBTMMaritime history
- HBTPHistorical geography
- HBTQColonialism & imperialism
- HBTRNational liberation & independence, post-colonialism
- HBTSSlavery & abolition of slavery
- HBTVRevolutions, uprisings, rebellions
- HBTWThe Cold War
- HBTZGenocide & ethnic cleansing
- HBWMilitary history
- HDArchaeology
- HDAArchaeological theory
- HDDArchaeology by period / region
- HDDAPrehistoric archaeology
- HDDCMiddle & Near Eastern archaeology
- HDDGEgyptian archaeology / Egyptology
- HDDHBiblical archaeology
- HDDKClassical Greek & Roman archaeology
- HDDMMedieval European archaeology
- HDLLandscape archaeology
- HDPEnvironmental archaeology
- HDRUnderwater archaeology
- HDTIndustrial archaeology
- HDWArchaeological science, methodology & techniques
- HPPhilosophy
- HPCHistory of Western philosophy
- HPCAWestern philosophy: Ancient, to c 500
- HPCBWestern philosophy: Medieval & Renaissance, c 500 to c 1600
- HPCDWestern philosophy: c 1600 to c 1900
- HPCFWestern philosophy, from c 1900
- HPDNon-Western philosophy
- HPJPhilosophy: metaphysics & ontology
- HPKPhilosophy: epistemology & theory of knowledge
- HPLPhilosophy: logic
- HPMPhilosophy of mind
- HPNPhilosophy: aesthetics
- HPQEthics & moral philosophy
- HPSSocial & political philosophy
- HPXPopular philosophy
- HRReligion & beliefs
- HRAReligion: general
- HRABPhilosophy of religion
- HRACComparative religion
- HRAFInterfaith relations
- HRAMReligious issues & debates
- HRAM1Religious ethics
- HRAM2Religion & politics
- HRAM3Religion & science
- HRAM6Religious fundamentalism
- HRAM7Blasphemy, heresy, apostasy
- HRAM9Religious intolerance, persecution & conflict
- HRAXHistory of religion
- HRCChristianity
- HRCAThe historical Jesus
- HRCCChristian Churches & denominations
- HRCC1The Early Church
- HRCC2Church history
- HRCC7Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church
- HRCC8Orthodox & Oriental Churches
- HRCC9Protestantism & Protestant Churches
- HRCFBibles
- HRCGBiblical studies & exegesis
- HRCG1Biblical commentaries
- HRCG2Biblical concordances
- HRCG3Biblical exegesis & hermeneutics
- HRCG7Bible studies: for individual or small group study
- HRCG9Bible readings, selections & meditations
- HRCJEcumenism
- HRCLChristian liturgy, prayerbooks & hymnals
- HRCMChristian theology
- HRCPChristian sermons
- HRCRChristian worship, rites & ceremonies
- HRCSChristian spirituality & religious experience
- HRCVChristian life & practice
- HRCV1Christian sacraments
- HRCV2Christian instruction
- HRCV3Christian counselling
- HRCV4Christian aspects of sexuality, gender & relationships
- HRCV9Personal Christian testimony & popular inspirational works
- HRCXChristian institutions & organizations
- HRCX1Christian leaders & leadership
- HRCX4Christian ministry & pastoral activity
- HRCX6Christian social thought & activity
- HRCX7Christian mission & evangelism
- HRCX8Christian communities & monasticism
- HRCZChristian & quasi-Christian cults & sects
- HREBuddhism
- HRECBuddhist worship, rites & ceremonies
- HREPBuddhist life & practice
- HRESBuddhist sacred texts
- HREXTibetan Buddhism
- HREZZen Buddhism
- HRGHinduism
- HRHIslam
- HRHCIslamic worship, rites & ceremonies
- HRHPIslamic life & practice
- HRHSThe Koran
- HRHTIslamic theology
- HRHXSufism & Islamic mysticism
- HRJJudaism
- HRJCJudaism: worship, rites & ceremonies
- HRJPJudaism: life & practice
- HRJSJudaism: sacred texts
- HRJTJudaism: theology
- HRJXJudaism: mysticism
- HRKOther non-Christian religions
- HRKBBaha'i
- HRKJJainism
- HRKNOriental religions
- HRKPAncient religions & mythologies
- HRKP1Ancient Egyptian religion & mythology
- HRKP2Celtic religion & mythology
- HRKP3Ancient Greek religion & mythology
- HRKP4Roman religion & mythology
- HRKP5Norse religion & mythology
- HRKSSikhism
- HRKTTribal religions
- HRKZZoroastrianism
- HRLAspects of religion (non-Christian)
- HRLBTheology
- HRLCSacred texts
- HRLDPrayers & liturgical material
- HRLFWorship, rites & ceremonies
- HRLKSpirituality & religious experience
- HRLMReligious life & practice
- HRLM3Religious instruction
- HRLM5Religious counselling
- HRLM7Religious aspects of sexuality, gender & relationships
- HRLPReligious institutions & organizations
- HRQAlternative belief systems
JSociety & Social sciences
- JFSociety & Culture: General
- JFCCultural studies
- JFCAPopular culture
- JFCDMaterial culture
- JFCKFashion & society
- JFCVFood & society
- JFCXHistory of ideas
- JFDMedia studies
- JFFSocial issues & processes
- JFFAPoverty & unemployment
- JFFBHousing & homelessness
- JFFCSocial impact of disasters
- JFFDRefugees & political asylum
- JFFEViolence in society
- JFFGDisability: social aspects
- JFFHIllness & addiction: social aspects
- JFFJSocial discrimination & inequality
- JFFKFeminism & feminist theory
- JFFLPolitical correctness
- JFFMSocial mobility
- JFFNMigration, immigration & emigration
- JFFPSocial interaction
- JFFRSocial forecasting, future studies
- JFFSGlobalization
- JFFTConsumerism
- JFFUPublic safety issues
- JFFXCorruption in society
- JFFZAnimals & society
- JFHPopular beliefs & controversial knowledge
- JFMEthical issues & debates
- JFMAEthical issues: abortion & birth control
- JFMCEthical issues: capital punishment
- JFMDEthical issues: censorship
- JFMEEthical issues: euthanasia & right to die
- JFMGEthical issues: scientific & technological developments (eg Genetic engineering, GM foods, cloning, reproductive technology, stem cells, etc)
- JFMPEthical issues: pornography & obscenity
- JFMXEthical issues: prostitution & sex industry
- JFSSocial groups
- JFSCSocial classes
- JFSFRural communities
- JFSGUrban communities
- JFSJGender studies, gender groups
- JFSJ1Gender studies: women
- JFSJ2Gender studies: men
- JFSJ5Gender studies: transsexuals & hermaphroditism
- JFSKGay & Lesbian studies
- JFSLEthnic studies
- JFSL1Ethnic minorities & multicultural studies
- JFSL3Black & Asian studies
- JFSL4Hispanic & Latino studies
- JFSL9Indigenous peoples
- JFSPAge groups
- JFSRReligious groups: social & cultural aspects
- JFSSAlternative lifestyles
- JFSVSocial groups: clubs & societies
- JHSociology & Anthropology
- JHBSociology
- JHBASocial theory
- JHBCSocial research & statistics
- JHBDPopulation & demography
- JHBFSociology: birth
- JHBKSociology: family & relationships
- JHBLSociology: work & labour
- JHBSSociology: sport & leisure
- JHBTSociology: customs & traditions
- JHBZSociology: death & dying
- JHMAnthropology
- JKSocial Services & Welfare, Criminology
- JKSSocial welfare & social services
- JKSBWelfare & benefit systems
- JKSFAdoption & fostering
- JKSGCare of the elderly
- JKSMCare of the mentally ill
- JKSNSocial work
- JKSRAid & relief programmes
- JKSWEmergency services
- JKVCrime & criminology
- JMPsychology
- JMAPsychological theory & schools of thought
- JMAFPsychoanalytical theory (Freudian psychology)
- JMAJAnalytical & Jungian psychology
- JMALBehavioural theory (Behaviourism)
- JMANHumanistic psychology
- JMAQCognitivism, cognitive theory
- JMBPsychological methodology
- JMCChild & developmental psychology
- JMDPsychology of ageing
- JMFFamily psychology
- JMGPsychology of gender
- JMHSocial, group or collective psychology
- JMJOccupational & industrial psychology
- JMKCriminal or forensic psychology
- JMLExperimental psychology
- JMMPhysiological & neuro-psychology, biopsychology
- JMPAbnormal psychology
- JMQPsychology: emotions
- JMRCognition & cognitive psychology
- JMSThe self, ego, identity, personality
- JMTStates of consciousness
- JMUSexual behaviour
- JMXParapsychological studies
- JNEducation
- JNAPhilosophy & theory of education
- JNBHistory of education
- JNCEducational psychology
- JNFEducational strategies & policy
- JNFDLiteracy strategies
- JNFGNumeracy strategies
- JNFNInclusive education / mainstreaming
- JNFRMulticultural education
- JNHEducation: care & counselling of students
- JNHBBullying & anti-bullying strategies
- JNHTTruancy & anti-truancy strategies
- JNHXExclusions / dropping out of school
- JNKOrganization & management of education
- JNKAAdmissions procedures
- JNKCCurriculum planning & development
- JNKDExaminations & assessment
- JNKFSchools inspection (& preparing for inspection)
- JNKGFunding of education & student finance
- JNKHTeaching staff
- JNKNNon-teaching & support staff
- JNKPSchool/community relations & school/home relations
- JNKRSchool governors & school boards
- JNKSStudents & student organisations
- JNLSchools
- JNLAPre-school & kindergarten
- JNLBPrimary & middle schools
- JNLCSecondary schools
- JNLPIndependent schools, private education
- JNLRFaith (religious) schools
- JNMHigher & further education, tertiary education
- JNMFColleges of further education
- JNMHColleges of higher education
- JNMNUniversities
- JNMTTeacher training
- JNPAdult education, continuous learning
- JNQOpen learning, home learning, distance education
- JNRCareers guidance
- JNSTeaching of specific groups & persons with special educational needs
- JNSCTeaching of physically disabled students
- JNSGTeaching of students with specific learning difficulties / needs
- JNSLTeaching of students with emotional & behavioural difficulties
- JNSPTeaching of gifted students
- JNSVTeaching of students with English as a second language (TESOL)
- JNTTeaching skills & techniques
- JNUTeaching of a specific subject
- JNVEducational equipment & technology, computer-aided learning (CAL)
- JNWExtra-curricular activities
- JNZStudy & learning skills: general
- JPPolitics & government
- JPAPolitical science & theory
- JPBComparative politics
- JPFPolitical ideologies
- JPFBAnarchism
- JPFCMarxism & Communism
- JPFFSocialism & left-of-centre democratic ideologies
- JPFKLiberalism & centre democratic ideologies
- JPFMConservatism & right-of-centre democratic ideologies
- JPFNNationalism
- JPFQFascism & Nazism
- JPFRReligious & theocratic ideologies
- JPHPolitical structure & processes
- JPHCConstitution: government & the state
- JPHFElections & referenda
- JPHLPolitical leaders & leadership
- JPHVPolitical structures: democracy
- JPHXPolitical structures: totalitarianism & dictatorship
- JPLPolitical parties
- JPPPublic administration
- JPQCentral government
- JPRRegional government
- JPSInternational relations
- JPSDDiplomacy
- JPSFArms negotiation & control
- JPSHEspionage & secret services
- JPSLGeopolitics
- JPSNInternational institutions
- JPVPolitical control & freedoms
- JPVHHuman rights
- JPVH1Civil rights & citizenship
- JPVH2Freedom of information & freedom of speech
- JPVH3Land rights
- JPVH4Religious freedom / freedom of worship
- JPVKPublic opinion & polls
- JPVLPolitical campaigning & advertising
- JPVNPropaganda
- JPVRPolitical oppression & persecution
- JPWPolitical activism
- JPWDPressure groups & lobbying
- JPWFDemonstrations & protest movements
- JPWHNon-governmental organizations (NGOs)
- JPWJPolitical subversion
- JPWLTerrorism, armed struggle
- JPWQRevolutionary groups & movements
- JPWSArmed conflict
- JPZPolitical corruption
- JWWarfare & defence
- JWATheory of warfare & military science
- JWDLand forces & warfare
- JWFNaval forces & warfare
- JWGAir forces & warfare
- JWHSpecial & elite forces
- JWJMilitary administration
- JWKDefence strategy, planning & research
- JWLWar & defence operations
- JWMWeapons & equipment
- JWTMilitary life & institutions
- JWXOther warfare & defence issues
KEconomics, finance, business & Management
- KCEconomics
- KCAEconomic theory & philosophy
- KCBMacroeconomics
- KCCMicroeconomics
- KCDEconomics of industrial organisation
- KCFLabour economics
- KCGEconomic growth
- KCHEconometrics
- KCJEconomic forecasting
- KCKBehavioural economics
- KCLInternational economics
- KCMDevelopment economics & emerging economies
- KCNEnvironmental economics
- KCPPolitical economy
- KCQHealth economics
- KCRWelfare economics
- KCSEconomic systems & structures (eg Free market, transitional economies, planned economies)
- KCTAgricultural economics
- KCUUrban economics
- KCXEconomic & financial crises & disasters
- KCYPopular economics
- KCZEconomic history
- KFFinance & accounting
- KFCAccounting
- KFCCCost accounting
- KFCFFinancial accounting
- KFCMManagement accounting & bookkeeping
- KFCPPublic finance accounting
- KFCRFinancial reporting, financial statements
- KFCXAccounting: study & revision guides
- KFFFinance
- KJBusiness & Management
- KJBBusiness studies: general
- KJCBusiness strategy
- KJDBusiness innovation
- KJEE-commerce: business aspects
- KJFBusiness competition
- KJGBusiness ethics & social responsibility
- KJHEntrepreneurship
- KJJBusiness & the environment, ‘Green' approaches to business
- KJKInternational business
- KJLConsultancy & grants for businesses
- KJMManagement & management techniques
- KJMBManagement: leadership & motivation
- KJMDManagement decision making
- KJMPProject management
- KJMQQuality Assurance (QA) & Total Quality Management (TQM)
- KJMTTime management
- KJMVManagement of specific areas
- KJMV1Budgeting & financial management
- KJMV2Personnel & human resources management
- KJMV3Knowledge management
- KJMV4Management of real estate, property & plant
- KJMV5Production & quality control management
- KJMV6Research & development management
- KJMV7Sales & marketing management
- KJMV8Purchasing & supply management
- KJMV9Distribution & warehousing management
- KJNBusiness negotiation
- KJPBusiness communication & presentation
- KJQBusiness mathematics & systems
- KJRCorporate governance
- KJSSales & marketing
- KJTOperational research
- KJUOrganizational theory & behaviour
- KJVOwnership & organization of enterprises
- KJVBTakeovers, mergers & buy-outs
- KJVDPrivatization
- KJVFFranchises
- KJVGMultinationals
- KJVNPublic ownership / nationalization
- KJVPMonopolies
- KJVSSmall businesses & self-employed
- KJVTOutsourcing
- KJVVJoint ventures
- KJVWEmployee-ownership & co-operatives
- KJVXNon-profitmaking organizations
- KJWOffice & workplace
- KJWBOffice management
- KJWFOffice systems & equipment
- KJWSSecretarial, clerical & office skills
- KJWXWorking patterns & practices
- KJZHistory of specific companies / corporate history
- KNIndustry & industrial studies
- KNAPrimary industries
- KNACAgriculture & related industries
- KNAFFisheries & related industries
- KNALForestry & related industries
- KNATMining industry
- KNBEnergy industries & utilities
- KNBCCoal & solid fuel industries
- KNBGGas industries
- KNBLElectrical power industries
- KNBNNuclear power industries
- KNBPPetroleum & oil industries
- KNBTAlternative & renewable energy industries
- KNBWWater industries
- KNDManufacturing industries
- KNDCChemical industries
- KNDDTextile industries
- KNDFFood manufacturing & related industries
- KNDHHi-tech manufacturing industries
- KNDMArmaments industries
- KNDPPharmaceutical industries
- KNDRRoad vehicle manufacturing industry
- KNDSShipbuilding industry
- KNDVAviation manufacturing industry
- KNGTransport industries
- KNGRRoad transport industries
- KNGSShipping industries
- KNGTRailway transport industries
- KNGVAerospace & air transport industries
- KNJConstruction & heavy industry
- KNPDistributive industries
- KNSService industries
- KNSGTourism industry
- KNSHHospitality industry
- KNSJEvents management industries
- KNSPSport & leisure industries
- KNSSSecurity services
- KNSTFinancial services industry
- KNSXFashion & beauty industries
- KNSZFuneral services
- KNTMedia, information & communication industries
- KNTCCinema industry
- KNTDRadio & television industry
- KNTFMusic industry
- KNTJPress & journalism
- KNTPPublishing industry & book trade
- KNTRPrinting, packaging & reprographic industry
- KNTTPostal & telecommunications industries
- KNTXInformation technology industries
- KNTYAdvertising industry
- KNVCivil service & public sector
- KNXIndustrial relations, health & safety
- LAJurisprudence & general issues
- LABJurisprudence & philosophy of law
- LAFSystems of law
- LAFCCommon law
- LAFDCivil codes / Civil law
- LAFRRoman law
- LAFSIslamic law
- LAFXEcclesiastical (canon) law
- LAMComparative law
- LAQLaw & society
- LARCriminology: legal aspects
- LASLegal skills & practice
- LATLegal profession: general
- LAYLaw as it applies to other professions
- LAZLegal history
- LBInternational law
- LBBPublic international law
- LBBCTreaties & other sources of international law
- LBBDDiplomatic law
- LBBFJurisdiction & immunities
- LBBJInternational law of territory & statehood
- LBBKLaw of the sea
- LBBMInternational economic & trade law
- LBBPInternational environmental law
- LBBRInternational human rights law
- LBBSInternational humanitarian law
- LBBUInternational organisations & institutions
- LBBVResponsibility of states & other entities
- LBBZInternational criminal law
- LBDInternational law of transport, communications & commerce
- LBDAInternational space & aerospace law
- LBDKTransnational commercial law
- LBDMInternational maritime law
- LBDTInternational communications & telecommunications law
- LBGPrivate international law & conflict of laws
- LBHSettlement of international disputes
- LBLInternational law reports
- LNLaws of Specific jurisdictions
- LNALegal system: general
- LNAACourts & procedure
- LNACCivil procedure, litigation & dispute resolution
- LNAC1Civil remedies
- LNAC3Civil procedure: law of evidence
- LNAC5Arbitration, mediation & alternative dispute resolution
- LNAFLegal system: costs & funding
- LNALRegulation of legal profession
- LNBPrivate / Civil law: general works
- LNCCompany, commercial & competition law
- LNCBCommercial law
- LNCB1Franchising law
- LNCB2E-commerce law
- LNCB3Sale of goods law
- LNCB4Outsourcing law
- LNCB5Shipping law
- LNCB6Aviation law
- LNCDCompany law
- LNCFPartnership law
- LNCHCompetition law / Antitrust law
- LNCJContract law
- LNCLAgency law
- LNCNProcurement law
- LNCQConstruction & engineering law
- LNCREnergy & natural resources law
- LNDConstitutional & administrative law
- LNDACitizenship & nationality law
- LNDCHuman rights & civil liberties law
- LNDFFreedom of information law
- LNDHGovernment powers
- LNDKMilitary & defence law
- LNDMJudicial review
- LNDPParliamentary & legislative practice
- LNDSElection law
- LNDULocal government law
- LNFCriminal law & procedure
- LNFBCriminal justice law
- LNFGOffences against the government
- LNFJOffences against the person
- LNFLOffences against property
- LNFNFraud
- LNFQJuvenile criminal law
- LNFROffences against public health, safety, order
- LNFTRoad traffic law, motoring offences
- LNFVTerrorism law
- LNFXCriminal procedure
- LNHEmployment & labour law
- LNHDDiscrimination in employment law
- LNHHOccupational health & safety law
- LNHRIndustrial relations & trade unions law
- LNHUEmployment contracts
- LNJEntertainment & media law
- LNJDDefamation law (slander & libel)
- LNJSSport & the law
- LNJXAdvertising, marketing & sponsorship law
- LNKEnvironment, transport & planning law
- LNKFAgricultural law
- LNKGAnimal law
- LNKJEnvironment law
- LNKNNature Conservation law
- LNKTTransport law
- LNKVHighways
- LNKWPlanning law
- LNLEquity & trusts
- LNMFamily law
- LNMBFamily law: marriage & divorce
- LNMCFamily law: cohabitation
- LNMFFamily law: same-sex partnership
- LNMKFamily law: children
- LNPFinancial law
- LNPAAccounting law
- LNPBBanking law
- LNPCBankruptcy & insolvency
- LNPDCapital markets & securities law & regulation
- LNPFFinancial services law & regulation
- LNPNInsurance law
- LNPPPensions law
- LNQIT & Communications law
- LNRIntellectual property law
- LNRCCopyright law
- LNRDPatents law
- LNRFTrademarks law
- LNRLDesigns law
- LNRVConfidential information law
- LNSProperty law
- LNSHLand & real estate law
- LNSH1Ownership & mortgage law
- LNSH3Landlord & tenant law
- LNSH5Conveyancing law
- LNSH7Rating & valuation law
- LNSH9Housing law
- LNSPPersonal property law
- LNTSocial law
- LNTCCharity law
- LNTDEducation & the law
- LNTHSocial security & welfare law
- LNTJPublic health & safety law
- LNTMMedical & healthcare law
- LNTQDisability & the law
- LNTSLaw & the elderly
- LNTUConsumer protection law
- LNTXLicensing, gaming & club law
- LNUTaxation & duties law
- LNVTorts / Delicts
- LNWWills & probate / Succession
- LNZPrimary sources of law
- LRLaw: study & revision guides
- MBMedicine: general issues
- MBDMedical profession
- MBFMedical bioinformatics
- MBGMedical equipment & techniques
- MBNPublic health & preventive medicine
- MBNCMedical screening
- MBNHPersonal & public health
- MBNH1Hygiene
- MBNH2Environmental factors
- MBNH3Dietetics & nutrition
- MBNH4Birth control, contraception, family planning
- MBNH9Health psychology
- MBNSEpidemiology & medical statistics
- MBPHealth systems & services
- MBPCGeneral practice
- MBPKMental health services
- MBPMMedical administration & management
- MBPRMedical insurance
- MBQMedicolegal issues
- MBSMedical sociology
- MBXHistory of medicine
- MFPre-clinical medicine: basic sciences
- MFCAnatomy
- MFGPhysiology
- MFKHuman reproduction, growth & development
- MFNMedical genetics
- MJClinical & internal medicine
- MJAMedical diagnosis
- MJCDiseases & disorders
- MJCGCongenital diseases & disorders
- MJCJInfectious & contagious diseases
- MJCLOncology
- MJCMImmunology
- MJDCardiovascular medicine
- MJEMusculoskeletal medicine
- MJFHaematology
- MJGEndocrinology
- MJHGastroenterology
- MJJHepatology
- MJKDermatology
- MJLRespiratory medicine
- MJMRheumatology
- MJNNeurology & clinical neurophysiology
- MJPOtorhinolaryngology (ENT)
- MJQOphthalmology
- MJRRenal medicine & nephrology
- MJSUrology & urogenital medicine
- MJTGynaecology & obstetrics
- MJWPaediatric medicine
- MJXGeriatric medicine
- MJZGene therapy
- MMOther branches of medicine
- MMBAnaesthetics
- MMCPalliative medicine
- MMDDentistry
- MMFPathology
- MMGPharmacology
- MMHPsychiatry
- MMJClinical psychology
- MMKAccident & emergency medicine
- MMNNuclear medicine
- MMPMedical imaging
- MMQForensic medicine
- MMREnvironmental medicine
- MMRBAviation & space medicine
- MMRDDiving & hyperbaric medicine
- MMRPOccupational medicine
- MMRTTropical medicine
- MMSSports injuries & medicine
- MMZTherapy & therapeutics
- MNSurgery
- MNBSurgical techniques
- MNCGeneral surgery
- MNGGastrointestinal & colorectal surgery
- MNHCardiothoracic surgery
- MNJVascular surgery
- MNKSurgical oncology
- MNLCritical care surgery
- MNNNeurosurgery
- MNPPlastic & reconstructive surgery
- MNQTransplant surgery
- MNSOrthopaedics & fractures
- MNZPeri-operative care
- MQNursing & ancillary services
- MQCNursing
- MQCANursing fundamentals & skills
- MQCBNursing research & theory
- MQCHNurse/patient relationship
- MQCLNursing specialties
- MQCL1Accident & emergency nursing
- MQCL2Intensive care nursing
- MQCL3Paediatric nursing
- MQCL4Geriatric nursing
- MQCL5Psychiatric nursing
- MQCL6Surgical nursing
- MQCL9Terminal care nursing
- MQCMNursing pharmacology
- MQCWNursing sociology
- MQCXCommunity nursing
- MQCZNursing management & leadership
- MQDMidwifery
- MQFFirst aid & paramedical services
- MQHRadiography
- MQKChiropody & podiatry
- MQPPharmacy / dispensing
- MQROptometry / opticians
- MQSPhysiotherapy
- MQTOccupational therapy
- MQUMedical counselling
- MQVRehabilitation
- MQWBiomedical engineering
- MQZMortuary practice
- MRMedical Study & Revision Guides & Reference Material
- MXComplementary medicine
- MZVeterinary Medicine
- MZCVeterinary medicine: small animals (pets)
- MZDVeterinary medicine: large animals (domestic / farm)
- MZFVeterinary medicine: laboratory animals
- MZGVeterinary medicine: exotic & zoo animals
- MZHVeterinary anatomy & physiology
- MZKVeterinary pathology & histology
- MZLVeterinary nutrition
- MZMVeterinary medicine: infectious diseases & therapeutics
- MZPVeterinary pharmacology
- MZRVeterinary radiology
- MZSVeterinary surgery
- MZTVeterinary dentistry
- MZVVeterinary nursing
- MZXComplementary medicine for animals
PMathematics & science
- PBMathematics
- PBBPhilosophy of mathematics
- PBCMathematical foundations
- PBDDiscrete mathematics
- PBFAlgebra
- PBGGroups & group theory
- PBHNumber theory
- PBJPre-calculus
- PBKCalculus & mathematical analysis
- PBKACalculus
- PBKBReal analysis, real variables
- PBKDComplex analysis, complex variables
- PBKFFunctional analysis & transforms
- PBKJDifferential calculus & equations
- PBKLIntegral calculus & equations
- PBKQCalculus of variations
- PBKSNumerical analysis
- PBMGeometry
- PBMBTrigonometry
- PBMHEuclidean geometry
- PBMLNon-Euclidean geometry
- PBMPDifferential & Riemannian geometry
- PBMSAnalytic geometry
- PBMWAlgebraic geometry
- PBMXFractal geometry
- PBPTopology
- PBTProbability & statistics
- PBUOptimization
- PBVCombinatorics & graph theory
- PBWApplied mathematics
- PBWHMathematical modelling
- PBWLStochastics
- PBWRNonlinear science
- PBWSChaos theory
- PBWXFuzzy set theory
- PBXHistory of mathematics
- PDScience: general issues
- PDAPhilosophy of science
- PDCScientific nomenclature & classification
- PDDScientific standards
- PDEMaths for scientists
- PDGIndustrial applications of scientific research & technological innovation
- PDKScience funding & policy
- PDNScientific equipment, experiments & techniques
- PDRImpact of science & technology on society
- PDXHistory of science
- PDZPopular science
- PGAstronomy, space & time
- PGCTheoretical & mathematical astronomy
- PGGAstronomical observation: observatories, equipment & methods
- PGKCosmology & the universe
- PGMGalaxies & stars
- PGSSolar system: the Sun & planets
- PGTAstronomical charts & atlases
- PGZTime (chronology), time systems & standards
- PHPhysics
- PHDClassical mechanics
- PHDBElementary mechanics
- PHDDAnalytical mechanics
- PHDFFluid mechanics
- PHDSWave mechanics (vibration & acoustics)
- PHDTDynamics & statics
- PHDVGravity
- PHDYEnergy
- PHFMaterials / States of matter
- PHFBLow temperature physics
- PHFCCondensed matter physics (liquid state & solid state physics)
- PHFGPhysics of gases
- PHFPPlasma physics
- PHHThermodynamics & heat
- PHJOptical physics
- PHKElectricity, electromagnetism & magnetism
- PHMAtomic & molecular physics
- PHNNuclear physics
- PHPParticle & high-energy physics
- PHQQuantum physics (quantum mechanics & quantum field theory)
- PHRRelativity physics
- PHSStatistical physics
- PHUMathematical physics
- PHVApplied physics
- PNChemistry
- PNFAnalytical chemistry
- PNFCChromatography
- PNFRMagnetic resonance
- PNFSSpectrum analysis, spectrochemistry, mass spectrometry
- PNKInorganic chemistry
- PNNOrganic chemistry
- PNRPhysical chemistry
- PNRCColloid chemistry
- PNRDCatalysis
- PNRHElectrochemistry & magnetochemistry
- PNRLNuclear chemistry, photochemistry & radiation
- PNRPQuantum & theoretical chemistry
- PNRSSolid state chemistry
- PNRWThermochemistry & chemical thermodynamics
- PNRXSurface chemistry & adsorption
- PNTCrystallography
- PNVMineralogy & gems
- PSBiology, life sciences
- PSALife sciences: general issues
- PSABTaxonomy & systematics
- PSADBio-ethics
- PSAFEcological science, the Biosphere
- PSAGXenobiotics
- PSAJEvolution
- PSAKGenetics (non-medical)
- PSANNeurosciences
- PSBBiochemistry
- PSBCProteins
- PSBFCarbohydrates
- PSBHLipids
- PSBMBiochemical immunology
- PSBTToxicology (non-medical)
- PSBZEnzymology
- PSCDevelopmental biology
- PSDMolecular biology
- PSFCellular biology (cytology)
- PSGMicrobiology (non-medical)
- PSGDBacteriology (non-medical)
- PSGHParasitology (non-medical)
- PSGLVirology (non-medical)
- PSGNProtozoa
- PSPHydrobiology
- PSQMycology, fungi (non-medical)
- PSTBotany & plant sciences
- PSTDPlant physiology
- PSTLPlant reproduction & propagation
- PSTPPlant pathology & diseases
- PSTSPlant ecology
- PSTVPhycology, algae & lichens
- PSVZoology & animal sciences
- PSVDAnimal physiology
- PSVHAnimal reproduction
- PSVLAnimal pathology & diseases
- PSVPAnimal behaviour
- PSVSAnimal ecology
- PSVTZoology: Invertebrates
- PSVWZoology: Vertebrates
- PSXHuman biology
REarth sciences, geography, environment, planning
- RBEarth sciences
- RBCVolcanology & seismology
- RBGGeology & the lithosphere
- RBGBSoil science, sedimentology
- RBGDGeological surface processes (geomorphology)
- RBGFHistorical geology
- RBGGPetrology
- RBGHStratigraphy
- RBGKGeochemistry
- RBGLEconomic geology
- RBKHydrology & the hydrosphere
- RBPMeteorology & climatology
- RBXPalaeontology
- RGGeography
- RGBPhysical geography & topography
- RGBAArid zones, deserts
- RGBCGrasslands, heaths, prairies, tundra
- RGBFWetlands, swamps, fens
- RGBLForests, rainforests
- RGBPDeltas, estuaries, coastal regions
- RGBRCoral reefs
- RGBSMountains
- RGCHuman geography
- RGLRegional geography
- RGMBiogeography
- RGRGeographical discovery & exploration
- RGSGeographical maps (specialist)
- RGVCartography, map-making & projections
- RGWGeographical information systems (GIS) & remote sensing
- RGYGeodesy & surveying for maps & charts
- RNThe environment
- RNAEnvironmentalist thought & ideology
- RNBEnvironmentalist, conservationist & Green organizations
- RNCApplied ecology
- RNDEnvironmental policy & protocols
- RNFEnvironmental management
- RNHWaste management
- RNKConservation of the environment
- RNPPollution & threats to the environment
- RNQNuclear issues
- RNRNatural disasters
- RNTSocial impact of environmental issues
- RNUSustainability
- RPRegional & area planning
TTechnology, engineering, agriculture
- TBTechnology: general issues
- TBCEngineering: general
- TBDTechnical design
- TBGEngineering graphics & technical drawing
- TBJMaths for engineers
- TBMInstruments & instrumentation engineering
- TBNNanotechnology
- TBRIntermediate technology
- TBXHistory of engineering & technology
- TBYInventions & inventors
- TCBiochemical engineering
- TDIndustrial chemistry & manufacturing technologies
- TDCIndustrial chemistry
- TDCBChemical engineering
- TDCCHeavy chemicals
- TDCDDetergents technology
- TDCGPowder technology
- TDCHInsecticide & herbicide technology
- TDCJPigments, dyestuffs & paint technology
- TDCKSurface-coating technology
- TDCPPlastics & polymers technology
- TDCQCeramics & glass technology
- TDCRRubber technology
- TDCTFood & beverage technology
- TDCWPharmaceutical technology
- TDGLeather & fur technology
- TDHTextile & fibre technology
- TDJTimber & wood processing
- TDMMetals technology / metallurgy
- TDPOther manufacturing technologies
- TGMechanical engineering & materials
- TGBMechanical engineering
- TGMMaterials science
- TGMBEngineering thermodynamics
- TGMDMechanics of solids
- TGMFMechanics of fluids
- TGMTTesting of materials
- TGPProduction engineering
- TGXEngineering skills & trades
- THEnergy technology & engineering
- THFFossil fuel technologies
- THKNuclear power & engineering
- THNHeat transfer processes
- THRElectrical engineering
- THRBPower generation & distribution
- THRDPower networks, systems, stations & plants
- THRFPower utilization & applications
- THRHEnergy conversion & storage
- THRMElectric motors
- THRSElectrician skills
- THTEnergy efficiency
- THXAlternative & renewable energy sources & technology
- TJElectronics & communications engineering
- TJFElectronics engineering
- TJFCCircuits & components
- TJFDElectronic devices & materials
- TJFMAutomatic control engineering
- TJFNMicrowave technology
- TJKCommunications engineering / telecommunications
- TNCivil engineering, surveying & building
- TNCStructural engineering
- TNFHydraulic engineering
- TNHHighway & traffic engineering
- TNKBuilding construction & materials
- TNKFFire protection & safety
- TNKHHeating, lighting, ventilation
- TNKSSecurity & fire alarm systems
- TNKXConservation of buildings & building materials
- TNTBuilding skills & trades
- TQEnvironmental Science, Engineering & Technology
- TRTransport Technology & Trades
- TRCAutomotive technology & trades
- TRFRailway technology, engineering & trades
- TRLShipbuilding technology, engineering & trades
- TRPAerospace & aviation technology
- TRTIntelligent & automated transport system technology
- TTOther Technologies & Applied Sciences
- TTAAcoustic & sound engineering
- TTBApplied optics
- TTBFFibre optics
- TTBLLaser technology & holography
- TTBMImaging systems & technology
- TTBSScanning systems & technology
- TTDSpace science
- TTMMilitary engineering
- TTPExplosives technology & pyrotechnics
- TTSMarine engineering
- TTUMining technology & engineering
- TTVOther vocational technologies & trades
- TTXTaxidermy
- TVAgriculture & farming
- TVBAgricultural science
- TVDAgricultural engineering & machinery
- TVFSustainable agriculture
- TVGOrganic farming
- TVHAnimal husbandry
- TVKAgronomy & crop production
- TVMSmallholdings
- TVPPest control
- TVQTropical agriculture: practice & techniques
- TVRForestry & silviculture: practice & techniques
- TVSHorticulture
- TVTAquaculture & fish-farming: practice & techniques
UComputing & information technology
- UBInformation technology: general issues
- UBHHealth & safety aspects of IT
- UBJEthical & social aspects of IT
- UBLLegal aspects of IT
- UBWInternet: general works
- UDDigital Lifestyle
- UDAPersonal organisation software & apps
- UDBInternet guides & online services
- UDBAOnline shopping & auctions
- UDBDInternet searching
- UDBGInternet gambling
- UDBMOnline finance & investing
- UDBRInternet browsers
- UDBSSocial networking
- UDBVVirtual worlds
- UDFEmail: consumer/user guides
- UDHPortable & handheld devices: consumer/user guides
- UDMDigital music: consumer/user guides
- UDPDigital photography: consumer/user guides
- UDQDigital video: consumer/user guides
- UDTMobile phones: consumer/user guides
- UDVDigital TV & media centres: consumer/user guides
- UDXComputer games / online games: strategy guides
- UFBusiness Applications
- UFBIntegrated software packages
- UFBCMicrosoft Office
- UFBFMicrosoft Works
- UFBLLotus Smartsuite
- UFBPOpenOffice
- UFBSStarOffice
- UFBWiWork
- UFCSpreadsheet software
- UFDWord processing software
- UFGPresentation graphics software
- UFKAccounting software
- UFLEnterprise software
- UFMMathematical & statistical software
- UFPProject management software
- UFSCollaboration & group software
- UGGraphical & Digital Media Applications
- UGBWeb graphics & design
- UGCComputer-aided design (CAD)
- UGDDesktop publishing
- UGK3D graphics & modelling
- UGLIllustration & drawing software
- UGMDigital music: professional
- UGNDigital animation
- UGPPhoto & image editing
- UGVDigital video: professional
- UKComputer hardware
- UKCSupercomputers
- UKDMainframes & minicomputers
- UKFServers
- UKGGrid & parallel computing
- UKMEmbedded systems
- UKNNetwork hardware
- UKPPersonal computers
- UKRMaintenance & repairs
- UKSStorage media & peripherals
- UKXUtilities & tools
- ULoperating systems
- ULDWindows & variants
- ULHMacintosh OS
- ULLLinux
- ULPHandheld operating systems
- ULQIBM mainframe operating systems
- ULRReal time operating systems
- UMComputer programming / software development
- UMAProgram concepts / learning to program
- UMBAlgorithms & data structures
- UMCCompilers
- UMFAgile programming
- UMGAspect programming / AOP
- UMHExtreme programming
- UMJFunctional programming
- UMKGames development & programming
- UMKB2D graphics: games programming
- UMKC3D graphics: games programming
- UMKLLevel design: games programming
- UMLGraphics programming
- UMNObject-oriented programming (OOP)
- UMPMicrosoft programming
- UMQMacintosh programming
- UMRNetwork programming
- UMSMobile & handheld device programming / Apps programming
- UMTDatabase programming
- UMWWeb programming
- UMXProgramming & scripting languages: general
- UMZSoftware Engineering
- UNDatabases
- UNADatabase design & theory
- UNCData capture & analysis
- UNDData warehousing
- UNFData mining
- UNHInformation retrieval
- UNJObject-oriented databases
- UNKDistributed databases
- UNNDatabases & the Web
- UNSDatabase software
- UQComputer certification
- UQFComputer certification: Microsoft
- UQJComputer certification: Cisco
- UQLComputer certification: ECDL
- UQRComputer certification: CompTia
- UQTComputer certification: CLAiT
- URComputer Security
- URDPrivacy & data protection
- URHComputer fraud & hacking
- URJComputer viruses, Trojans & worms
- URQFirewalls
- URSSpam
- URWSpyware
- URYData encryption
- UTComputer Networking & Communications
- UTCCloud computing
- UTDClient-Server networking
- UTFNetwork management
- UTGGrid computing
- UTMElectronic mail (email): professional
- UTNNetwork security
- UTPNetworking standards & protocols
- UTRDistributed systems
- UTSNetworking packages
- UTVVirtualisation
- UTWWAP networking & applications
- UTXEDI (electronic data interchange)
- UYComputer Science
- UYAMathematical theory of computation
- UYDSystems analysis & design
- UYFComputer architecture & logic design
- UYMComputer modelling & simulation
- UYQArtificial intelligence
- UYQEExpert systems / knowledge-based systems
- UYQLNatural language & machine translation
- UYQMMachine learning
- UYQNNeural networks & fuzzy systems
- UYQPPattern recognition
- UYQSSpeech recognition
- UYQVComputer vision
- UYSSignal processing
- UYTImage processing
- UYUAudio processing
- UYVVirtual reality
- UYZHuman-computer interaction
Vhealth & personal development
- VFFamily & health
- VFBPersonal safety
- VFDPopular medicine & health
- VFGHome nursing & caring
- VFJCoping with personal problems
- VFJBCoping with illness & specific conditions
- VFJDCoping with disability
- VFJGCoping with old age
- VFJJCoping with eating disorders
- VFJKCoping with drug & alcohol abuse
- VFJPCoping with anxiety & phobias
- VFJSCoping with stress
- VFJXCoping with death & bereavement
- VFLGiving up smoking
- VFMFitness & diet
- VFVFamily & relationships
- VFVCSex & sexuality, sex manuals
- VFVGDating, relationships, living together & marriage
- VFVKAdoption
- VFVSSeparation & divorce
- VFVXIntergenerational relationships
- VFXAdvice on parenting
- VSSelf-help & Personal Development
- VSBPersonal finance
- VSCAdvice on careers & achieving success
- VSDLaw, citizenship & rights for the lay person
- VSFRoadcraft, driving & the Highway Code
- VSGConsumer advice
- VSHHousing & property for the individual - buying/selling & legal aspects
- VSKAdvice on education
- VSLAdult literacy guides & handbooks
- VSNAdult numeracy guides & handbooks
- VSPPopular psychology
- VSPMAssertiveness, motivation & self-esteem
- VSPTMemory improvement & thinking techniques
- VSPXNeuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- VSRRetirement
- VSWLiving & working abroad
- VSZGreen lifestyle & self-sufficiency
- VXMind, body, spirit
- VXAMind, body, spirit: thought & practice
- VXFFortune-telling & divination
- VXFAAstrology
- VXFCFortune-telling by cards (cartomancy)
- VXFDThe I Ching
- VXFGGraphology
- VXFJPalmistry, phrenology & physiognomy
- VXFNNumerology
- VXFTClairvoyance & precognition
- VXHComplementary therapies, healing & health
- VXHAAlexander technique
- VXHCAromatherapy & essential oils
- VXHHHomoeopathy
- VXHJReflexology
- VXHKReiki
- VXHTTraditional medicine & herbal remedies
- VXMMind, body, spirit: meditation & visualisation
- VXNDreams & their interpretation
- VXPPsychic powers & psychic phenomena
- VXPCCrystals & colour-healing
- VXPHChakras, auras & spiritual energy
- VXPJAstral projection & out-of-body experiences
- VXPRThe afterlife, reincarnation & past lives
- VXPSSpirit guides, angels & channelling
- VXQUnexplained phenomena / the paranormal
- VXVFeng Shui
- VXWMysticism, magic & ritual
WLifestyle, Sport & Leisure
- WBCookery / food & drink ETC
- WBAGeneral cookery & recipes
- WBBTV / celebrity chef cookbooks
- WBCCooking for one
- WBDBudget cookery
- WBFQuick & easy cooking
- WBHHealth & wholefood cookery
- WBJVegetarian cookery
- WBNNational & Regional Cuisine
- WBQCooking for/with children
- WBRCooking for parties
- WBSCooking with specific gadgets (eg microwave cooking, wok, barbecue)
- WBTCookery by ingredient
- WBTBCooking with meat & game
- WBTCCooking with chicken & other poultry
- WBTFCooking with fish & seafood
- WBTHCooking with herbs & spices
- WBTPPasta dishes
- WBTRCooking with dairy products
- WBTXCooking with chocolate
- WBVCookery dishes & courses
- WBWPreserving & freezing
- WBXBeverages
- WBZCigars & smoking
- WCAntiques & collectables
- WCBAntiques & collectables: buyer's guides
- WCCCare & restoration of antiques
- WCFCoins, banknotes, medals, seals (numismatics)
- WCGStamps, philately
- WCJAntique clocks, watches, musical boxes & automata
- WCKMilitaria, arms & armour
- WCLAntique furniture / furniture collecting
- WCNAntiques & collectables: ceramics & glass
- WCPAntiques & collectables: jewellery
- WCRAntiques & collectables: gold & silver (other than jewellery)
- WCSAntiques & collectables: books, manuscripts, ephemera & printed matter
- WCUAntiques & collectables: pictures, prints & maps
- WCVAntiques & collectables: carpets, rugs & textiles
- WCWAntiques & collectables: toys, games & models
- WCXAntiques & collectables: scientific & musical instruments
- WDHobbies, quizzes & games
- WDHHobbies
- WDJ3-D images & optical illusions
- WDKPuzzles & quizzes
- WDMIndoor games
- WDPGambling: theories & methods
- WFHandicrafts, Decorative Arts & Crafts
- WFAPainting & art manuals
- WFBNeedlework & fabric crafts
- WFBCEmbroidery crafts
- WFBLLace & lacemaking
- WFBQQuiltmaking, patchwork & applique
- WFBSKnitting & crochet
- WFBVBatik & tie-dye
- WFCRopework, knots & macrame
- WFFRug & carpetmaking
- WFGSpinning & weaving
- WFHToys: making & decorating (includes soft toys, dolls, dolls' houses etc)
- WFJJewellery & beadcraft
- WFKDecorative finishes & surfaces
- WFLDecorative wood & metalwork
- WFNPottery, ceramics & glass crafts
- WFSCarving & modelling, moulding & casting
- WFTBook & paper crafts
- WFULettering & calligraphy
- WFVRural crafts
- WFWFlower arranging & floral crafts
- WGTransport: general interest
- WGCRoad & motor vehicles: general interest
- WGCBMotor cars: general interest
- WGCFBuses, trams & commercial vehicles: general interest
- WGCKMotorcycles: general interest
- WGCTTractors & farm vehicles: general interest
- WGCVVehicle maintenance & manuals
- WGFTrains & railways: general interest
- WGGShips & boats: general interest
- WGMAircraft: general interest
- WHHumour
- WHCCartoons & comic strips
- WHGTV tie-in humour
- WHJJokes & riddles
- WHLSlang & dialect humour
- WHPParodies & spoofs
- WHXHumour collections & anthologies
- WJLifestyle & personal style guides
- WJFFashion & style guides
- WJHCosmetics, hair & beauty
- WJKInterior design, decor & style guides
- WJSShopping guides
- WJWWeddings, wedding planners
- WJXParties, etiquette & entertaining
- WKHome & house maintenance
- WMGardening
- WMBGardens (descriptions, history etc)
- WMDGarden design & planning
- WMFGreenhouses, conservatories, patios
- WMPGardening: plants
- WMPCGardening: flowers
- WMPFGardening: growing fruit & vegetables
- WMPHGardening: herbs
- WMPMSucculents & cacti
- WMPSGardening: shrubs & trees
- WMPXHouse plants
- WMQSpecialized gardening methods
- WMQBBonsai
- WMQFOrganic gardening
- WMQLLandscape gardening
- WMQNNatural & wild gardening
- WMQPGardening with native plants
- WMQRContainer gardening
- WMQWWater gardens, pools
- WMTAllotments
- WNNatural history
- WNADinosaurs & the prehistoric world
- WNCWildlife: general interest
- WNCBWildlife: birds & birdwatching
- WNCFWildlife: mammals
- WNCKWildlife: reptiles & amphibians
- WNCNWildlife: butterflies, other insects & spiders
- WNCSWildlife: aquatic creatures
- WNDThe countryside, country life
- WNFFarm & working animals
- WNGDomestic animals & pets
- WNGCCats as pets
- WNGDDogs as pets
- WNGFFishes & aquaria
- WNGHHorses & ponies
- WNGKBirds, including cage birds, as pets
- WNGRRabbits & rodents as pets
- WNGSReptiles & amphibians as pets
- WNGXInsects & spiders as pets
- WNHZoos & wildlife parks
- WNPTrees, wildflowers & plants
- WNRRocks, minerals & fossils
- WNWThe Earth: natural history general
- WNXPopular astronomy & space
- WQLocal Interest, Family History & Nostalgia
- WQHLocal history
- WQNNostalgia: general
- WQPPlaces in old photographs
- WQYFamily history, tracing ancestors
- WSSports & outdoor recreation
- WSBSporting events & management
- WSBBOlympic & Paralympic games
- WSBGSports governing bodies
- WSBMSports management & facilities
- WSBTSports teams & clubs
- WSBVSporting venues
- WSBXHistory of sport
- WSCDisability sports
- WSDSports training & coaching
- WSEExtreme sports
- WSFAir sports & recreations
- WSJBall games
- WSJAFootball (Soccer, Association football)
- WSJCCricket
- WSJFRugby football
- WSJGGolf
- WSJHHockey
- WSJJLacrosse
- WSJKHurling
- WSJLGaelic football
- WSJMBasketball
- WSJNNetball
- WSJQAustralian Rules football
- WSJRRacket games
- WSJSAmerican football
- WSJTBaseball
- WSJVVolleyball
- WSJYBowls, bowling, petanque
- WSJZSnooker, billiards, pool
- WSKTrack & field sports, athletics
- WSLGymnastics
- WSMWeightlifting
- WSNEquestrian & animal sports
- WSPMotor sports
- WSQCycling
- WSRRollerblading, skateboarding, etc
- WSSWater sports & recreations
- WSTCombat sports & self-defence
- WSUBodybuilding
- WSWWinter sports
- WSXField sports: fishing, hunting, shooting
- WSXFFishing, angling
- WSXHHunting or shooting animals & game
- WSXRArchery
- WSXSSmall firearms, guns & other equipment
- WSXTTarget shooting
- WSZActive outdoor pursuits
- WTTravel & Holiday
- WTDTravel tips & advice: general
- WTHTravel & holiday guides
- WTHAAdventure holidays
- WTHBBusiness travel
- WTHCEco-tourist guides
- WTHFTravel with children / family holidays
- WTHHHotel & holiday accommodation guides
- WTHMMuseum, historic sites, gallery & art guides
- WTHRRestaurant, cafe & pub guides
- WTHTTheme parks & funfairs
- WTHXCruises
- WTKLanguage phrasebooks
- WTLTravel writing
- WTMPlaces & peoples: general & pictorial works
- WTRTravel maps & atlases
- WZMiscellaneous items