Book Packs for Schools | Curriculum and topic books - Peters
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Book packs for schools

Our popular book packs for schools range includes books for curriculum, Accelerated Reader book sets, book banding packs, diverse and inclusive books and more. They're available for both primary and secondary schools.

With 20% off RRP on all packs, book packs are ideal if you're pressed for time and need to make the most of your budget. Simply choose your book pack according to your theme or topic below, and our qualified teachers and librarians will hand-pick the books to ensure you receive the best and most up-to-date books available for the price shown. 

How to get more books for school library?

You can purchase book packs directly from Peters. Peters stock curriculum sets, book sets for EAL, SEND and PSHE & Accelerated Reader book sets and many more to fill gaps in your library.

Where do schools order books from?

Schools order book packs from the Peters website, which is stocked with school books for topics KS1 to KS4 and beyond. These are then delivered to the school directly.

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