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Order Pathways to Write titles from Peters

The Literacy Company is proud to partner with Peters to offer an exclusive discount on books linked to Pathways to Write.

Already know which books you'd like? Use the form below to order your Pathways to Write titles for your chosen year group(s) with 30% off RRP or 32% when ordering 15 or more copies of the same title.


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The gingerbread man
The gingerbread man
Mara Alperin
RRP £7.99
Someone just like you
Someone just like you
Helen Docherty
RRP £7.99
The naughty bus
The naughty bus
Jan Oke
RRP £9.99
Sunny and the birds
Sunny and the birds
Wendy Meddour
RRP £7.99
The whale who wanted more
The whale who wanted more
Rachel Bright
RRP £7.99
Sue Hendra
RRP £7.99
Peace at last
Peace at last
Jill Murphy
RRP £7.99
The three little pigs
The three little pigs
Mara Alperin
RRP £7.99
Let's all creep through Crocodile Creek
Jonny Lambert
RRP £6.99
The pirates are coming!
The pirates are coming!
John Condon
RRP £7.99