National Non-Fiction November 2021: why we need non-fiction
November 3rd 2021
Non-fiction November celebrates non-fiction in all its forms, and highlights the importance of reading non-fiction alongside fiction for children and young people. To kickstart the month, our curriculum specialists take a look at some of the reasons non-fiction is not just vital to pupils’ learning but can also be great for encouraging reading for pleasure.
Here are just a few reasons why we love non-fiction, and why your pupils will too!
Engages reluctant readers
Non-fiction is often easier to dip in and out of, so if you have reluctant readers in your class, it can help build their confidence if they’re feeling a bit daunted. For pupils who just aren’t keen on stories, recommend a non-fiction book instead. They’re bound to find something that fascinates them!
Every child should be able to see themselves reflected in what they read, and non-fiction can shine a light on the lives of a diverse range of people. Real-life stories can inspire young people to follow in the footsteps of others like them and give them the confidence they need to aim high. The latest CLPE Reflecting Realities research (published this month) also found that representation of ethnic minority characters is significantly higher (34%) in children's non-fiction than in junior fiction titles (7%), so there is great potential to engage pupils from a wide range of backgrounds with non-fiction. Biographies, for example, inform and inspire young readers about the work and contributions that people of colour have made in different areas of life.
Wellbeing and mental health
With reports of the pandemic impacting the wellbeing of children in a variety of ways, this year has seen an increase in non-fiction books published to help boost young people’s wellbeing and mental health. These include a number of guides to building confidence and self-esteem, such as Marcus Rashford’s best-selling You Are A Champion, Be Amazing! by Chris Hoy, and Fall Off, Get Back On, Keep Going by Clare Balding. Non-fiction can be a great way to nurture your pupils, and inspire them too!
Excites pupils with different text types
A non-fiction book with a range of text formats provides something to engage and grab the attention of different types of readers. Illustrations and diagrams, tables, maps and lists can all help to make the information more bite-sized and manageable.
Gets boys reading
Recent studies have shown that nearly twice as many boys as girls will say they don’t enjoy reading. However, studies also show that they’re often more likely to enjoy humour, or books containing facts and figures, so non-fiction can be ideal. It’s important to find books they can relate to, or on a topic that interests them – whatever that topic may be. Boys are also less likely to talk about what they’re reading, so engage them in conversation about a newspaper article, magazine or book.
Real-world reading
Non-fiction texts make up 84% of adult, real-world reading. Enjoying non-fiction at a young age prepares children for adult life, encourages questioning and critical thinking, and builds a functional, adult vocabulary.
It’s not just books
Find factual subjects children might be interested in, such as sport, travel, computers or science, then try magazines or pull outs from the broadsheet newspapers.
Helps pupils understand and identify ‘fake news’
Fake news is on the rise: the phrase is now so embedded in our culture that the term was recently added to the Oxford English Dictionary. And for today’s children and young people, access to online and digital media is non-stop – so it’s more important than ever. Non-fiction helps children develop the critical skills they need to understand complex texts, and improves their ability to detect where something might be ‘fake’ news.
Need non-fiction ideas for your students?
Check out our primary and secondary non-fiction lists compiled by our librarians and curriculum specialists:
Stay up-to-date with all of our book lists for schools
Find out more about Non-Fiction November