Browse books by Dewey
The Dewey Decimal Classification system (DDC) is the world's most common way to organise library collections. The whole of human knowledge is divided into 10 main divisions, or hundreds, and then into ever more complicated sub-divisions. The system has been updated many times to accommodate developments in how we think about the world. The current edition is 23, which is what is used by the bibliographic team at Peters. For children’s libraries or school collections a simplified or truncated version is often used. This is our recommendation when laying out a library for children and is reflected in the searches below.
If the non fiction in your library is laid out by Dewey we can add Dewey labels to the spine of your books to help shelving and navigation. You can opt to use our Deweys, or amend them to suit your own requirements when checking out.
To help younger children get to know the system it is common to use colour coding. Select standard colour coding as a servicing option when checking out.
000 Information, ideas, feelings
100 Ideas and feelings
- 130 The unexplained, parapsychology, ghosts
- 140 Philosophical schools
- 150 Psychology, the mind, emotions
- 170 Ethics
- 180 Philosophy
200 Religion
- 200 General religion
- 220 Christian religion
- 290 Comparative religion
- 292 Classical religion (Greek, Roman)
- 293 Germanic, Norse religion
- 294 Indic religions
- 296 Judaism
- 297 Islam
- 299 Other religions
300 Society, life and people
- 300 Social science
- 301 Sociology and anthropology
- 302 Relationships and communication
- 303 Social processes
- 304 Human ecology, population
- 305 Groups of people, families
- 305.2 By age
- 305.3 By gender or sex
- 305.4 Women
- 305.5 By social or economic background
- 305.6 Religious groups
- 305.7 Language groups
- 305.8 Ethnic or national groups
- 305.9 By occupation, people with disabilities
- 306 Cultures and institutions
- 307 Communities, settlements
- 320 Politics and government
- 321 Government
- 322 Organized groups
- 323 Civil and political rights
- 324 Politics, elections
- 325 Immigration, emigration, refugees
- 326 Slavery
- 327 International relations, espionage
- 328 Political law
- 330 Economics
- 331 World of work, careers
- 332 Money, banks
- 333 Economics of land and energy
- 338 Industry and production
- 340 Law
- 341 International law
- 342 UK law
- 343 Public finance, tax law
- 344 Cultural law
- 345 Criminal law
- 346 Personal law
- 347 Courts
- 348 Regulations
- 350 Public administration, military science
- 360 Social issues, public services
- 361 Social problems, social work, charities
- 362 Social services to groups of people, hospitals, disability, poverty, young people
- 363 Public safety, emergency services
- 364 Crime and punishment, pirates
- 366 Societies, clubs, associations
- 370 Education
- 371 Schools and teaching
- 372 Primary education
- 373 Secondary education
- 374 Adult education
- 375 Curricula
- 378 Higher education
- 380 Communications, transport
- 381 Commerce, shops, trade
- 383 Postal services
- 384 Telecommunication, radio, television
- 385 Rail transport
- 386 Inland water transport, canals
- 387 Water and air transport
- 388 General transport, roads, cars
- 390 Customs, folklore
- 391 Costume
- 392 Life, birth, marriage customs
- 393 Death customs
- 394 General customs, special occasions, holidays
- 395 Etiquette, manners
- 398 Folklore, nursery rhymes
400 Language
- 400 Language
- 420 European languages
- 420 English
- 430 German
- 440 French
- 450 Italian
- 460 Spanish and Portuguese
- 470 Latin
- 480 Classic Greek
- 490 Other languages
- 491 East Indo-European and Slavic
- 491.4 Modern Indic languages, Panjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Bengali
- 491.5 Iranian languages
- 491.6 Celtic languages, Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh
- 491.7 Russian and East Slavic languages
- 491.8 Slavic languages, Bulgarian, Croatian, Polish, Czech
- 491.9 Baltic languages, Lithuanian, Latvian
- 492 Afro-Asiatic languages, Arabic
- 494 South Asian languages, Hungarian, Turkish, Malayalam, Tamil
- 495 Eastern and South-East Asian languages
- 496 African languages
- 497 North American native languages
- 498 South American native languages
- 499 Languages of Oceania
500 Science and nature
- 500 General science
- 510 Mathematics
- 520 Astronomy and space
- 530 Physics
- 531 Forces, gravity
- 532 Water, liquids
- 533 Gases, air
- 534 Sound
- 535 Light, colour
- 536 Heat
- 537 Electricity
- 538 Magnetism
- 539 Radiation, atomic and nuclear physics
- 540 Chemistry
- 541 Chemical reactions
- 542 Chemical materials
- 546 Inorganic chemistry, elements
- 547 Organic chemistry
- 548 Crystals
- 549 Minerals
- 550 The Earth, physical geography
- 560 Palaeontology
- 570 Biology, nature
- 571 Cells, lifecycles, growth
- 572 Biochemistry
- 573 Physiological systems in animals, parts of animals
- 575 Physiological systems in plants, parts of plants
- 576 Genetics and evolution
- 577 Ecology
- 577.23 Seasons
- 577.3 Forest and rainforest ecology
- 577.4 Grassland ecology
- 577.5 Coastal, island, desert, mountain, urban ecology
- 577.6 Freshwater ecology
- 577.7 Marine ecology
- 578 Adaptation
- 579 Micro-organisms
- 580 Plants
- 590 Animals
- 591 Specific topics in animals
- 591.3 Genetics, evolution
- 591.4 Adaptation
- 591.5 Behaviour, nocturnal animals, predators, animal homes, migration
- 591.6 Beneficial animals, deadly animals, rare and endangered
- 591.7 Animals of specific environments and habitats
- 591.9 Animals of specific localities, countries
- 592 Invertebrates, worms
- 593 Marine and seashore invertebrates, jellyfish
- 594 Molluscs, shells, snails, octopuses and squid
- 595 Crustaceans, minibeasts
- 597 Cold-blooded vertebrates, fish
- 598 Birds
- 599 Mammals
600 Science and technology
- 600 Applied science
- 610 Medicine and health
- 610.6 Doctors
- 610.7 Nurses
- 610.9 History of medicine, biography
- 611 Human body
- 612.1 Circulatory system
- 612.2 Respiratory system
- 612.3 Digestive system
- 612.6 Reproductive system
- 612.7 Skeleton, muscles
- 612.8 Nervous system, senses
- 613 Personal health and safety
- 613.2 Diet, nutrition
- 613.4 Personal hygiene, cleanliness
- 613.6 Personal safety
- 613.7 Physical fitness, exercise
- 613.8 Substance abuse
- 613.9 Sex education, birth control
- 614 Forensic medicine
- 615 Pharmacology
- 616 Diseases
- 616.02 First aid
- 616.1 Cardiovascular
- 616.2 Respiratory, asthma, flu, common cold
- 616.3 Digestive, obesity, mouth and throat
- 616.4 Glands, diabetes
- 616.5 Dermatology, skin, eczema
- 616.6 Urinary, sexual disorders
- 616.7 Muscles, skeleton, arthritis
- 616.8 Nervous system and mental disorders
- 616.85 Epilepsy, anxiety and depression, speech and language disorders, eating disorders, autism, Aspergers syndrome
- 616.86 Substance abuse, alcoholism
- 616.89 Mental disorders, therapy
- 616.9 Other diseases, viruses, bacterial, STDs, allergies, cancers
- 617 Surgery, entistry, ophthalmology
- 618 Gynaecology, paediatrics
- 620 Engineering and technology
- 620.1 Materials and their properties
- 621 Mechanical engineering
- 621.1 Steam engineering and power
- 621.2 Water power and engineering
- 621.3 Electrical engineering and electronics
- 621.4 Heat engineering, engines, power plants, propulsion systems
- 621.8 Machines
- 621.9 Tools
- 622 Mining
- 623 Military and nautical engineering
- 624 Civil engineering
- 625 Railways and roads
- 627 Hydraulic engineering, waterways
- 628 Sanitary engineering, water supply
- 629 Transportation engineering
- 630 Agriculture, farming
- 631 Farming equipment, processes
- 632 Plantation crops, cereals
- 633 Fruits, forestry crops
- 635 Garden crops, gardening
- 636 Animal farming, domestic mammals, pets
- 636.1 Farm animals
- 636.5 Poultry, chickens
- 636.6 Game birds, pet birds
- 636.7 Dogs
- 636.8 Cats
- 636.9 Small pets, other pets
- 637 Dairy farming
- 638 Insect farming, bees, silkworms
- 639 Fish cultivation, commercial fishing
- 640 Home and family management
- 641 Food and drink
- 641.2 Drinks
- 641.3 Food
- 641.4 Food storage, preservation
- 641.5 Cooking, cooking for specific groups or situations
- 641.6 Cooking specific foods or with specific ingredients
- 641.7 Specific cooking techniques
- 641.8 Cooking specific dishes
- 642 Meals and table service
- 643 Houses, household equipment
- 644 Utilities
- 645 Furnishings
- 646 Sewing
- 647 Hospitality and catering
- 648 Housekeeping
- 649 Child care
- 650 Management
- 660 Chemical engineering
- 660.6 Biotechnology, genetic engineering
- 661 Industrial chemicals
- 662 Explosives, fireworks
- 663 Drinks technology, brewed drinks
- 664 Food technology
- 665 Industrial oils and fats
- 666 Ceramics, glass
- 667 Dyeing, inks, paints
- 668 Soap, plastic, perfumes
- 669 Metallurgy
- 670 Manufacturing
- 671 Metal working
- 672 Iron, steel
- 673 Nonferrous metals, precious metals
- 674 Wood
- 675 Leather, fur
- 676 Paper
- 677 Textiles
- 678 Rubber
- 680 Manufacturing products for specific uses
- 681 Precision instruments
- 681.1 Time, clocks, watches
- 681.4 Optical, telescopes
- 681.6 Printers, photocopying
- 681.7 Scientific and technological instruments and machinery
- 683 Household appliances
- 684 Furnishings, woodwork
- 685 Leather and fur, shoes
- 686 Printing, book making
- 687 Clothing
- 688 Other products, packaging technology
- 690 Building
- 691 Building materials
- 693 Specific areas of building, brickwork
- 694 Carpentry
- 695 Roofs
- 696 Utilities, plumbing
- 697 Heating
- 698 Painting, decorating
700 The arts and sport
- 710 Planning, landscape architecture
- 720 Architecture, buildings
- 721 Architectural materials, structural elements
- 722 Ancient architecture, to AD 300
- 723 Medieval architecture, AD300-1399
- 724 Modern architecture from 1400
- 725 Public buildings
- 726 Religious buildings
- 727 Educational buildings
- 728 Residential buildings, houses and homes
- 730 Sculpture
- 731 Techniques, modelling
- 732 Styles and schools
- 736 Carvings
- 737 Medals and coins
- 738 Ceramic arts, pottery, mosaics
- 739 Metalwork, jewellery
- 740 Graphic arts
- 741 Drawing
- 742 Perspective
- 743 Drawing by subject
- 745 Decorative arts
- 746 Textile arts
- 746.1 Yarn and weaving
- 746.2 Lace
- 746.3 Hanging pictures, tapestries
- 746.4 Needlework, knitting
- 746.5 Beadwork
- 746.6 Printing, dyeing
- 746.7 Rugs
- 747 Interior decoration
- 748 Glass
- 749 Furniture
- 750 Painting and paintings
- 751 Techniques and materials
- 752 Colour
- 757 Human figures
- 758 Nature and other specific subjects
- 759 Periods, schools and styles
- 759.01 Earliest times
- 759.02 Medieval paintings, 500-1399
- 759.03 Renaissance paintings, 1400-1599
- 759.04 Baroque and rococo paintings, 1600-1799
- 759.05 Romanticism, Impressionists, 1800-1899
- 759.06 Modern painting, 1900-1999
- 759.07 Modern painting, 2000-2099
- 759.1 Geographic treatment, individual artists
- 760 Printmaking
- 770 Photography
- 780 Music
- 780.9 Composers
- 781 Principles and forms
- 781.3 Composition
- 781.4 Techniques, performance
- 781.5 Kinds of music, specific settings
- 781.6 Traditions of music
- 781.7 Sacred music
- 782 Vocal music, singing
- 782.1 Opera
- 782.2 Nondramatic vocal forms, hymns, carols
- 782.3 Services, specific religions
- 782.4 Secular forms, song books
- 782.7 Children's songs
- 784 Musical instruments and their music
- 785 Ensembles
- 786 Keyboards, piano
- 787 Stringed instruments
- 788 Wind instruments
- 790 Recreational and performing arts, sports
- 790.1 Leisure, holidays, seaside, toys and games
- 791 Public performances and entertainment
- 791.1 Travelling shows
- 791.3 Circuses
- 791.4 Cinema, radio, television
- 791.5 Puppetry and toy theatres
- 791.6 Pageants, parades
- 792 Theatre and stage
- 792.02 Techniques, production
- 792.1 Tragedy
- 792.2 Comedy
- 792.3 Pantomime
- 792.5 Opera
- 792.6 Musical plays
- 792.7 Variety
- 792.8 Ballet and modern dance
- 793 Indoor games
- 793.2 Parties
- 793.3 Folk dancing
- 793.4 Action games
- 793.5 Forfeit games
- 793.7 Puzzles, word games
- 793.8 Magic
- 793.9 Other indoor games
- 794 Indoor games of skill
- 795 Games of chance
- 796 Outdoor sports
- 796.1 Active games, kite-flying
- 796.2 Active games with equipment, skating, skateboarding
- 796.3 Ball games
- 796.4 Track and field, gymnastics
- 796.41 Weight lifting
- 796.42 Track and field, athletics
- 796.43 Jumping and throwing
- 796.44 Gymnastics
- 796.46 Tumbling, trampolining
- 796.48 Olympic Games
- 796.5 Outdoor life
- 796.51 Walking, hiking
- 796.52 Mountaineering, rock climbing, caving
- 796.54 Camping
- 796.58 Orienteering
- 796.6 Cycling, BMX, mountain biking
- 796.7 Motor sports
- 796.8 Combat sports
- 796.9 Ice and snow sports
- 797 Aquatic and air sports
- 798 Horse sports
- 799 Fishing and hunting
800 Literature, poetry, plays
- 801 Rhetoric, collections, history and description
- 810 American literature in English
- 820 English literatures
- 821 English poetry
- 821.008 Poetry collections
- 821.1 Early English 1066-1400
- 821.2 1400-1558
- 821.3 Elizabethan period 1558-1625, Shakespeare
- 821.4 Restoration 1625-17.2
- 821.5 Queen Anne, 18th century 1702-1745
- 821.6 1745-1799
- 821.7 Romantic 1800-1837
- 821.8 Victorian, 19th century 1837-1899
- 821.9 1900 onwards
- 822 English drama
- 822.1 Early English 1066-1400
- 822.2 1400-1558
- 822.3 Elizabethan period 1558-1625, Shakespeare
- 822.4 Restoration 1625-17.2
- 822.5 Queen Anne, 18th century 1702-1745
- 822.6 1745-1799
- 822.7 Romantic 1800-1837
- 822.8 Victorian, 19th century 1837-1899
- 822.9 1900 onwards
- 823 English fiction
- 823.1 Early English 1066-1400
- 823.2 1400-1558
- 823.3 Elizabethan period 1558-1625, Shakespeare
- 823.4 Restoration 1625-17.2
- 823.5 Queen Anne, 18th century 1702-1745
- 823.6 1745-1799
- 823.7 Romantic 1800-1837
- 823.8 Victorian, 19th century 1837-1899
- 823.9 1900 onwards
- 824 English essays
- 825 English speeches
- 826 English letters
- 827 English humour, jokes
- 828 English miscellaneous writings
- 830 German literatures
- 840 French literatures
- 850 Italian literatures
- 860 Spanish literatures
- 870 Latin literatures
- 880 Classical Greek literatures
- 890 Literatures of other specific languages
900 Geography and history
- 909 World history
- 909.04 History of specific ethnic or national groups
- 909.07 General historical periods
- 909.09 Areas, places in general, not limited by area
- 910 World geography and travel
- 910 General geography
- 910.02 Physical geography of areas in general
- 910.2 World travel guides
- 910.3 Dictionaries, gazetteers, place names
- 910.4 Accounts of travellers
- 910.9 Historical or geographic treatment, explorers
- 911 Historical atlases
- 912 Atlases and maps
- 913 Geography and travel in the ancient world
- 914 Geography and travel in Europe
- 914.1 British Isles
- 914.3 Germany and central Europe
- 914.4 France
- 914.5 Italy
- 914.6 Spain
- 914.7 Russia and Eastern Europe
- 914.8 Scandinavia
- 914.9 Other European countries
- 915 Geography and travel in Asia
- 915.1 China
- 915.19 Korea
- 915.2 Japan
- 915.3 Arabian peninsula
- 915.4 India
- 915.5 Iran
- 915.6 Middle East
- 915.7 Siberia
- 915.8 Central Asia
- 915.9 Southeast Asia
- 916 Geography and travel in Africa
- 916.1 Tunisia and Libya
- 916.2 Egypt and Sudan
- 916.3 Ethiopia and Eritrea
- 916.4 Morocco, Canary Islands
- 916.5 Algeria
- 916.6 West Africa, Sahara
- 916.7 Central Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa
- 916.751 Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire)
- 916.757 Rwanda
- 916.761 Uganda
- 916.762 Kenya
- 916.77 Somalia
- 916.78 Tanzania
- 916.8 Republic of South Africa
- 916.9 South Indian Ocean islands
- 917 Geography and travel in North America
- 917.1 Canada
- 917.2 Central America, Mexico, West Indies
- 917.281 Guatemala
- 917.284 El Salvador
- 917.285 Nicaragua
- 917.286 Costa Rica
- 917.287 Panama
- 917.29 West Indies and Bermuda, Caribbean area
- 917.3 United States
- 918 Geography and travel in South America
- 918.1 Brazil
- 918.2 Argentina
- 918.3 Chile
- 918.4 Bolivia
- 918.5 Peru
- 918.6 Colombia and Ecuador
- 918.7 Venezuela
- 918.8 Guiana
- 918.9 Paraguay and Uruguay
- 919 Geography and travel in Australasia, Pacific Ocean Islands
- 920 Biography, genealogy
- 930 Ancient History, to c499
- 930.1 Archaeology
- 931 China to 420
- 932 Ancient Egypt to 640
- 933 Palestine to 70
- 934 South Asia, India, Indus Valley to 647
- 935 Mesopotamia to 637, Sumer, Assyrian Empire
- 936 Europe north and west of Italian Peninsula to 499
- 936.01 Early history, Stone Age, Bronze Age
- 936.02 Celts, Iron Age
- 936.03 200 B.C - 499 A.D.
- 936.1 British Isles to 410, Prehistoric Britain
- 936.2 England and Wales to 410
- 936.3 Germanic, Celtic, Iberian regions
- 937 Italian peninsula to 476, Romans
- 938 Greece to 323
- 939 Other areas
- 940 History of Europe
- 940 European history
- 940.1 Early history to 1453, Middle Ages, knights
- 940.2 1453-1914
- 940.21 Renaissance
- 940.23 Reformation
- 940.24 Thirty Years' War
- 940.27 French Revolution, Napoleonic Wars
- 940.3 World War 1, 1914-1918
- 940.53 World War 2, 1939-1945
- 941 History of the British Isles
- 941.01 History to 1066, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in Britain
- 941.02 1066-1154
- 941.03 1154-1399
- 941.04 1399-1485
- 941.05 1485-1603
- 941.06 Stuarts and the Commonwealth, 1603-1714
- 941.07 House of Hanover, Georgians, 1714-1837
- 941.08 Victoria and House of Windsor, 1837-
- 941.081 Victorians, 1837-1901
- 941.082 1901-1999
- 941.083 George V, 1910-1936
- 941.084 1936-1945, World War 2 home front
- 941.085 1945-1999
- 941.086 2000-
- 941.1 Scotland
- 941.5 Ireland
- 942 History of England and Wales
- 942.01 Early history to 1066
- 942.02 Normans
- 942.03 Plantagenets, 1154-1399
- 942.04 Houses of Lancaster and York, Wars of the Roses
- 942.05 Tudors
- 942.06 Stuarts
- 943 History of Germany and central Europe
- 943.01 Early history to 843
- 943.02 843-1519
- 943.03 Reformation, 1519-1618
- 943.04 1618-1705, Thirty Years' War
- 943.05 1705-1790
- 943.06 Period of Napoleonic Wars, 1790-1815
- 943.07 Period of German Confederation, 1815-1866
- 943.08 1866-
- 943.1 North Eastern Germany
- 943.2 Saxony
- 943.6 Austria and Liechtenstein
- 943.7 Czech Republic and Slovakia
- 943.8 Poland
- 943.9 Hungary
- 944 History of France
- 944.01 Early history to 987
- 944.02 Medieval period, 987-1589
- 944.03 House of Bourbon, Louis XIV, 1589-1789
- 944.04 Revolutionary period, 1789-1804
- 944.05 Period of First Empire, 1804-1815
- 944.06 Period of Restoration, 1815-1848
- 944.07 Period of Second Republic, Napoleon III, 1848-1870
- 944.08 1870 onwards
- 945 History of Italy
- 945.01 Early history to 774
- 945.02 Period of Carolingian dynasty, 774-962
- 945.03 Period of German emperors, 962-1122
- 945.04 1122-1348
- 945.05 Period of Black Death, Renaissance, 1348-1494
- 945.06 1494-1527
- 945.07 Spanish and Austrian period, 1527-1796
- 945.08 1796-1900
- 945.09 1900 onwards
- 945.1 History of specific areas
- 946 History of Spain, Portugal
- 946.01 Early history to 711
- 946.02 Period of Moorish dynasties, 711-1479
- 946.03 Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, 1479-1516
- 946.04 Period of House of Hapsburg, 1516-1700
- 946.05 House of Hapsburg and House of Bourbon, 1598-1808
- 946.06 Peninsula War and rule of Joseph Bonaparte, 1808-1814
- 946.07 1814-1931
- 946.08 1931 onwards
- 946.7 Eastern Spain and Andorra
- 946.8 Andalusia and Gibraltar
- 946.9 Portugal
- 947 Russia and neighbouring Easter European countries
- 947.01 Early history to 862
- 947.02 Kievan Rus, 862-1240
- 947.03 Tsar suzerainty, 1240-1462
- 947.04 1462-1689
- 947.05 Reign of Peter I (the Great), 1689-1725
- 947.06 1725-1796
- 947.07 1796-1855, Crimean War
- 947.08 1855 onwards
- 947.5 Caucasus
- 947.6 Moldova
- 947.7 Ukraine
- 947.8 Belarus
- 947.9 Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia
- 948 Scandinavia
- 949 Other parts of Europe
- 950 History of Asia
- 950 Historical periods
- 950.1 Early history to 1162
- 950.2 1162-1480, Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan
- 950.3 Period of European exploration, 1480-1905
- 950.4 1905 onwards
- 951 China and adjacent areas
- 951.9 Korea
- 952 Japan
- 953 Arabian Peninsula
- 954 India and neighbouring south Asian countries
- 956 Middle East
- 957 Siberia
- 958 Central Asia
- 959 Southeast Asia
- 960 History of Africa
- 961 Tunisia and Libya
- 962 Egypt and Sudan
- 963 Ethiopia and Eritrea
- 964 Morocco, Western Sahara, Canary Islands
- 965 Algeria
- 966 West Africa, Benin
- 967 Central Africa
- 968 Republic of South Africa
- 969 South Indian Ocean islands
- 970 History of North America
- 970.004 North American native peoples
- 971 Canada
- 972 Central America, Mexico
- 973 United States
- 973.1 Early history to 1607
- 973.2 Colonial Period, 1607-1775, Mayflower
- 973.3 Revolution and Confederation, 1775-1789, War of Independence
- 973.4 Constitutional period, 1789-1809
- 973.5 1809-1845,
- 973.6 1845-1861
- 973.7 1861-1865, Abraham Lincoln, Civil War
- 973.8 Reconstruction period, 1865-1901
- 973.9 1901 onwards
- 974 History of specific states, areas
- 980 History of South America
- 981 Brazil
- 982 Argentina
- 983 Chile
- 984 Bolivia
- 985 Peru, Inca
- 986 Colombia and Ecuador
- 987 Venezuela
- 988 Guiana
- 989 Paraguay and Uruguay
- 990 History of Australasia
- 993 New Zealand
- 994 Australia
- 995 New Guinea
- 996 Polynesia
- 997 Atlantic Ocean islands
- 998 Arctic and Antarctic
- 999 Extra-terrestrial worlds