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Management reporting

Reports can be viewed online and downloaded as either a .pdf, Excel spreadsheet, or .csv file. 

Key reports

See, at a glance:

  • Your current commitment - the value of invoiced sales, goods on order, and goods in baskets.
  • How this is tracking against your budget (note - the total budget for your organisation - not supplier selection spending)
  • How this compares to the previous financial year YTD
  • Other key metrics such as the no of books bought fiction and non fiction and distribution by branch.
Supplier selection

See the current commitment for any of your stock selection budgets managed by the Peters team. View separate reports for commitment by branch; tier or area; budgetary stock category; branch and budgetary stock category.


Expenditure reports

Information relating to goods invoiced to your organisation in the current financial period or period you select.

Expenditure analysis

Invoiced sales by calendar month, fiction/non fiction. Average RRP, unit price and discount achieved in each period.

Expenditure by branch

Total books purchased and invoiced value by branch.

Expenditure by branch and fund

Total books purchased and invoiced value by branch and fund code.

Expenditure by fund

Total books purchased and invoiced value by fund code.

Expenditure by selection method

Breakdown of invoiced sales by customer ordering / supplier selection.

Expenditure by stock category

Breakdown of invoiced sales by general product category (note - not supplier selection budget categories).


Ordering reports

Information relating to orders placed by your organisation.

Order summary Breakdown of orders placed within period and their current status eg. unsupplied, supplied, cancelled by user, cancelled by publisher report, expired.

Ordering analysis

Detailed breakdown of orders by status, month, fiction and non-fiction.


Lists all cancelled and expired orders.

Outstanding orders

Lists all unsupplied orders and splits them into titles that WILL be supplied before the selected period end date, that MAY be suppled before the selected period end date, and are UNLIKELY to be supplied before the selected period end date. Useful at the end of the year.


Other reports

Annual trends

Shows annual publication trends - the number of mainstream titles published and average RRP in each financial year period and by children's / adult, fiction / non -fiction.

Suggested pattern

Suggests spending patterns for your budget across the financial year to correspond to publishing patterns.


These reports are available on a consortium level where the user has appropriate authorisation.

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