Join the Peters and Cheltenham Festivals Reading Teachers = Reading Pupils book group
Starting in November, our free reading group is a fantastic opportunity to network with like-minded teachers.Are you hoping to boost literacy levels in your school? Delivered in partnership with Cheltenham Festivals, our primary Reading Teachers = Reading Pupils group will help to give you the skills and confidence to help your pupils to fall in love with reading. All sessions will be led by members of our expert librarian and curriculum specialists team. The group is FREE to attend, and resources are shared throughout the year, along with two copies of each of the five award-winning titles. During the sessions, you can expect to discuss ideas and strategies with other teachers and English leads, and receive discussion notes and model questions for each book. Along with refreshments, you'll also be able to visit our showroom, where you can explore the very best of children's fiction and non-fiction books. Our reading group is open to all Key Stage 2 teachers. As the selected books are most appropriate for Year 5/6 pupils, priority is given to teachers of these year groups. To include as many schools as possible, places are limited to two teachers per school. For more information on the book group meetings, please email |
Key dates, times and locations
What our attendees say
- "Being part of Reading Teachers = Reading Pupils has ensured that reading for pleasure has been prioritised. There was lots of high-qality book talk, and it was very inclusive." Kat Standen, English Lead at Cherry Orchard Primary School in Birmingham
- "Now I can talk more knowledgeably to children about books and new authors. Children have been able to see themselves in some of the literature, and are asking to borrow books from the reading den." Sukbinder Gosal, XXX
About Reading Teachers = Reading Pupils
Reading Teachers = Reading Pupils is a Cheltenham Festivals programme delivered in partnership with like-minded organisations across the UK, including Books Council of Wales, Centre for Literacy in Primary Education (CLPE), English and Media Centre, National Literacy Trust, National Centre for Writing, Bradford Literature Festival, KEAP (The Writers’ Block), Seven Stories the National Centre for Children’s Books, The Reader, The Story Museum and Wigtown Festival Company.
Set up in 2016, the national network of teachers' reading groups aims to inspire reading for pleasure because research shows that children who read for pleasure experience high levels of well-being, engage in learning and are successful in life.
For more information about this programme, visit Cheltenham Festivals' website. To register to take part, click here.
This programme is supported by Arts Council England, Thirty Percy, and the Unwin Charitable Trust.