CLPE How to be a Lion - Peters
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How to be a Lion: CLPE's teaching unit for Back to School 

CLPE's teaching team have put together teaching sequences for the brilliant How to be a Lion by Ed Vere for schools to use as part of back to school planning in September.

CLPE have chosen this book for a whole school sequence (separate sequences for EYFS, KS1 and KS2) as it has the themes of friendship, empathy, individuality, standing up for what is right and using words for good at its heart. It is an empowering tale about connecting with others and choosing kindness over bullying, and shows children how angry and provocative words can be overcome by empathy and courage.

Download the units and access video resources from Ed on the CLPE website.

We've partnered with CLPE to give schools 26% off their copies of How to be a Lion throughout the summer and autumn term.


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