CLPE Growing our Future: 35% off focus texts

Growing our Future is a whole-school teaching resource that seeks to bring school communities together with a 'learning together, growing together' focus, It uses high quality children's literature to engage children in high quality talk, reading and writing activities as they return to a new school year after a year where learning has been disrupted by the continued impact of Covid. The unit incorporates three key texts:
- Errol's Garden by Gillian Hibbs - EYFS
- The Secret Sky Garden by Linda Sarah and Fiona Lumbers - KS1
- The Promise by Nicola Davies and Laura Carlin - KS2
Teaching Notes for each book will be provided, along with suggestions for a community planting project. Schools will be encouraged to share their projects via #CLPEGrowingTogether.
We're pleased to be partnering again with CLPE to offer 35% off each of the three books to schools.
Register for the FREE whole school unit today on the CLPE website.