CLPE literacy library event with Lauren Child - Peters
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Literacy Library presents: Children's learning and literacy - the importance of creativity with Lauren Child

Join CLPE for a special literacy event with author Lauren Child

Join us online for a very special Literacy Library presents event with former Children’s Laureate Lauren Child

Charlotte Hacking, CLPE’s Learning and Programme Director will share the crucial practices that cultivate creativity in the classroom and which have an evidenced outcome on children’s self-efficacy, ideation, creativity and overall writing progress. These approaches enable all children to make progress, including those on free school meals and those previously seen as having lower levels of literacy.*

Jane Atkin, from West Hill Primary School Wandsworth, will share how this way of creative working impacts on practice and children’s engagement and attainment in her own school, drawing on new learning from CLPE’s new Reflecting Realities in the Classroom project.

Author, illustrator and former Children’s Laureate, Lauren Child will talk about her own creative practices including the importance of picture books and their sophistication, drawing on a range of her own work. She will challenge the assumption that creating work with children in mind is somehow ‘easy’ or less sophisticated in its thought process, that a writer or artist would approach it with a different degree of seriousness or sincerity than when creating for an adult audience, questioning what that tells us about the way we view children and our child selves.

Book your place with CLPE

3rd February, 2022 - 17:00 pm to 18:30 pm

Purchase Lauren Child books with 26% off below.


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